International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage Commission Interationale des Irrigation et du Drainage

Multilingual Technical Dictionary (MTD)
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Term No.Term NameTerm Description
1627C horizonIs a mineral horizon (or layer) of unconsolidated material from which the solum is presumed to be formed, and which does not show properties diagnosti.....
8430C-LanguageHigh-level programming language developed mainly for writing structured system programs......
9287C3 Plants1 - Plants that produce a three-carbon compound during photosynthesis, including most trees and agricultural crops such as rice, wheat, soybeans, pota.....
9288C4 Plants1 - Plants that produce a four-carbon compound during photosynthesis (mainly of tropical origin), including grasses and the agriculturally important c.....
6128CabA covered shelter fitted on an excavator for the operator......
6159Cable drag scraper, or Power drag scraperAn excavating machine consisting mainly of a crescent bottomless scraper bucket-attached by front and rear bridle chain to two long wire cables, one k.....
8345Cable modem/ModemA type of modem that allows people to access the Internet via their cable television service......
4670CablegationA method of controlling the water supply to irrigated furrows or corrugations whereby a single, gated, pipeline is used for conveying as well as deliv.....
6119Cableway drag scraperA digging bucket operated on a cable between a mast and an anchor that is not lifted off the ground during a normal cycle. In short also called `drag .....
6158Cableway excavatorsAn excavating machine consisting of (i) two towers or masts, fixed or moveable; (ii) Track cable; (iii) Tension cable and guide blocks; (iv) A load ca.....
6074CablewaysAn apparatus for transporting freshly mixed concrete from the batch plant to the point of placement, consisting of containers carried along moving, ov.....
8347CacheA special high-speed storage mechanism, either as a reserved section of main memory or an independent high-speed storage device. This high-speed buffe.....
8346Cache memorySection of high-speed memory tht stores data that the computer can access quickly......
8429CAD/CAMComputer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacture. Interaction between computers used for designing and those for manufacturing a product......
8938Cadastral surveys, Land survey, Property surveySurveys relating to the establishment of land boundaries and subdivisions made to create or define limitations of titles. They also include surveys to.....
7141CadmiumChemical element, atomic number 48.  A heavy metal that accumulates in the environment.  Can be leached from the galvanizing on water pipes......
3888Cail type fishwayA type of pool and orifice fishway with staggered orifices......
5837Caisson pile or Cow caisson, Boston caisson A device for sinking small shafts through soft clay or silt to prevent excessive loss of ground. A short cylinder of steel plate is driven into the cl.....
5880Caisson, or Pneumatic caissonA watertight, cylindrical or rectangular chamber dug out or sunk into the ground surface for access to the bed of a stream or body of water. It is use.....
7666Calcareous Having sufficient accumulation of calcium carbonate to produce a pH over 7.0......
1641Calcareous crustIndurated horizon cemented with calcium carbonate......
2146Calcareous soilSoil that is alkaline because of the presence of free calcium or magnesium carbonate or both. It effervesces visibly when treated with cold 0.1 N hydr.....
7039CalcifugeGrowing best on acid soil......
7241Calcination, or CalciningThe exposure of an inorganic chemical compound or mineral to a uniform high temperature to alter its chemical form and drive off a substance that was .....
1901Calciphile, or CalcicolePlants which take in large quantities of calcium......
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The Multilingual Technical Dictionary (MTD) is an e-dictionary of all technical terms related to irrigation, drainage, flood management, environment, river training, and allied disciplines of the water sector. Any term/ definition can be printed/copied with the option to download/updates of terms from the ICID website. The MTD enriches the process of sharing and exchange of experiences and has proven to be highly useful for engineers, researchers, students, professionals, planners, designers, academics and all others related to the field of irrigation and drainage.  It is more helpful for professionals outside the water sector, in simplifying the technical jargon and to understand the sectoral nuances easily. 

As part of ICID's flagship activity, it was first published in English and French languages in 1967, the – 4th  edition of the MTD (English-French) was brought out on CD-ROM in the year 2002. Currently, we are following the 5th  edition released in 2009, which defines 9,370 technical terms in Chinese, Japanese and Russian, besides English and French. This online version of MTD is based on the 5th edition's DVD format. This version includes 9370 technical terms with matching English and French translation. The DVD version also includes terms collected in Chinese, Japanese and Russian languages with the active support received from respective National Committees. However, full integration with online versions has not taken place due to the difference in available translation editions/ versions. National Committees of Iran, China, Japan, Russia, Korea, and India are working on the translation/  updating part to match the present online version.