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Term No.Term NameTerm Description
8355D/A converterCircuits that convert a digital signal to an analog one (the analog signal is proportional to an input binary number). .....
7900Daily flood peakThe maximum daily flow during the flood event......
7817Daily flow, or Daily dischargeThe volume of water passing a particular point during one day......
1960Daily range of soil temperatureThe difference between the maximum and minimum values of soil temperature......
8356Daisy-wheel printerAn impact printer that uses a print element shaped like a flat disk or large thimble to form the alphanumerics and punctuation marks that are part of .....
2113Dal soilA local name for a peat soil in the Netherlands, consisting of a sandy subsoil covered with a layer of lumps of young peat......
2327DamA barrier usually on an important scale across a watercourse, for the purpose of impounding water or creating a reservoir (i) to raise water level, (i.....
2442Dam axis, Axis of dam, or Axis1 - In case of gravity, buttress and arch dams it is the horizontal trace of the upstream edge of the top of the structural zone or top arch. 2 - In c.....
7972Dam break analysisThe analysis of the flood flows resulting from postulated conditions of partial or total failure of a water storage dam. Such analyses are particularl.....
5309Dangerous bankA bank showing signs of slipping due to saturation, or that has been unduly cut and damaged by weathering, cattle, etc......
4199Darcy`s lawA physical law stating that the rate of viscous flow of fluid in isotropic porous media is proportional to and in the direction of decreasing hydrauli.....
3156Darcy-Weisbach equationEquation used for calculating head loss due to friction in a conduit and expressed as-

hf   = f .  ------
             D 2g

where,  hf is head l.....
3466Dash potA device employed to damp the movement of a mechanism. It consists of a chamber in which the movement of a plate or vane is decelerated by a fluid who.....
8443Data encryptionTransformation of data into unreadable, meaningless data through a cryptographic transformation using key. Decryption turns unintelligible data into m.....
6330Data transmissionThe sending of data from one place to another, or from one part of the system to another......
8444DatabaseA collection of structured information for creating a specific format out of some, or all, of the collected data. .....
9079Date of completion1 - The date of completion of the work as specified in the contract. 2 - Actual date on which the work is finished irrespective of the fact that final.....
3306Datum1 - An arbitrary horizontal line from which heights and depths are reckoned, as in a longitudinal section of a canal or railroad. 2 - See 14 and 2071......
5082Datum lineAn arbitrary horizontal line from which heights and depths are measured......
2071Datum, Plane1 - The horizontal plane to which soundings and ground elevations of water surface elevations are referred. The plane is called a tidal datum when def.....
4906Day-degree, or Degree dayVariation of one degree per day in mean daily temperature, above an adopted standard reference temperature (usually 10oC). The number of degree days f.....
4955DaylengthNumber of hours between sunrise and sunset......
8445DBMSData-Base Management System, a software program that controls and supervises the updating, editing, and execution of items from multiple files in a da.....
6198Dead bandThe range through which a controlled variable can vary without initiating a corrective action......
5190Dead furrow1 - A double furrow left in the middle of the field or between two lands in ploughing (illustrated). 2 - In the bedding system of surface drainage, de.....
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