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Term No.Term NameTerm Description
8490Mac OSA popular operating system for Macintosh computers manufactured by Apple Computer Corp......
8491Machine languageA language for writing instructions in a form to be executed by the machine; the language can be directly interpreted by the control section of the ma.....
8492MacroA combination of commands, instructions, or keystrokes which may be stored in a computer’s memory to be executed as a single command by a single key.....
8493MacroassemblerAn assembly language translator that converts macro expressions into several machine language instructions. Although macros simplify program coding an.....
696MacroclimateThe climate over a very large areas, such as deserts or oceans......
6586Macroclimate The climate representative of relatively large areas. .....
6901MacronutrientAn element or compound needed in relatively large quantities by an organism......
6846MacroorganismsOrganisms visible with the unaided eye......
7053MacrophyteLarge forms of vegetation......
1661MacrostructureSoil structure presenting the aggregates of the mineralogical complexes into larger units, as a result of cementation......
8209Magnetic tapeNarrow length of thin plastic, coated with a magnetic material used to store signals magnetically......
2521Main bodyThe structural part of the dam above foundations......
4640Main canal, Main line, Pipe main, or Principal canalA canal receiving its supplies from the headworks and in turn supplying water to the laterals, branch canals or distributaries. .....
4762Main control panelEnclosure containing the main control as well as the other controls used for starting and stopping an irrigation machine......
7781Main drain See 5323 and 7780......
5323Main drain, or Conducting drainPrincipal drain that conveys drainage water from the collector drains, branch drains or submain drains to an outlet......
5058Main drainage systemSystem that conveys drainage water from the field drainage system to an outlet. It may consist of a main drain, submain drains, branch drains and coll.....
4760Main electric cableCable connecting the electric point to the motor of the irrigation machine......
8375Main frameLarge-scale high powered computer system that can handle a number of operators simultaneously......
8017Main leveeLevee protecting areas of great economic value (industry, agriculture, etc.). These are required to offer protection for the required degree of safety.....
4772Main linePipeline of an irrigation system under pressure going from the water source to the sub-mains or to the distribution nozzle-lines......
8210Main memoryUsually the fastest storage device of a computer and the one from which instructions are executed......
2736Main spillwayThe spillway designed to pass the design flood which usually comes into operation. The main spillway can be assisted by an emergency spillway in passi.....
5324MaintenanceThe operations performed in preserving irrigation or drainage canals and drain pipes, hydraulic structures, service roads and works in good or near or.....
6375Maintenance cardsA record of each intervention by the maintenance personnel on a single, written sheet (card)......
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