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Term No.Term NameTerm Description
1623O horizonIs an organic horizon formed or forming from an accumulation of organic material deposited on the surface, that is not saturated with water for more t.....
4979Oasis effectVertical energy transfer from air to the crop; effect of dry fallow surrounds on the microclimate of a relatively small acreage of land where an air m.....
5870ObeliskAn upright four-sided pillar, gradually tapering as it rises and terminating in a pyramid. It is ordinarily monolithic, used as a water diversion stru.....
8232Object codeMachine language code produced by a translator program, such as an assembler, interpreter, or compiler. Instructions in object code can be executed by.....
8233Object programmeThe machine-language programme that is the final output of a coding system......
8645Objective functionSome rule for assessing, in an objective numerical manner the performance of the systems, using one or more chosen criteria in order to enable a compa.....
9342Obligate SpeciesSpecies restricted to one particularly characteristic mode of life......
8947Oblique photographPhotograph taken with a single-lens camera with the axis at an appreciable angle to the vertical, generally at 45o or more. A high oblique photograph .....
2307Oblique weir, or Skew weirA weir with its crest inclined to the direction of flow as seen in the plan (illustrated)......
5132Observation wellA hole dug or augered into the ground for the purpose of observing fluctuations in the elevation of the groundwater table......
4187Observation well, Groundwater station, Monitor well, or Piezometer 1 - A non-pumping well used for observing the elevation of the water table or the piezometric surface. 2 - Well used to watch for some anticipated, bu.....
2786Obstruction weir type water sealA water seal provided by a low weir (subsidiary dam) constructed downstream of the body wall (dam) (illustrated)......
3802Occupation crossing, Access, AccommodationCrossing (bridge or culvert) that gives access between two portions of a farmer`s land. In Australia also called `access` or `accommodation`......
9136Occupier`s water rate, or Crop water rateWater rate charged on the area actually irrigated and which usually varies with the nature of crop or crops, the quantity of water normally required b.....
9343Ocean Conveyor BeltThe theoretical route by which water circulates around the entire global ocean, driven by wind and the thermohaline circulation......
7868Ocean floodingOverflow onto lowlands by salt water, due to tidal action, storm surge or tsunamis, i.e. seismic sea waves. Land forms subject to ocean flooding inclu.....
9344Ocean VentilationDownwelling of water from near the surface to the deep ocean. See also deepwater formation......
1295OceanicInhabiting the sea where it is deeper than 200 metres......
8494ODBCOpen DataBase Connectivity, a standard for accessing different database systems. There are interfaces for Visual Basic, Visual C++, SQL and the ODBC d.....
8234Off-line1 - Descriptive of a system and of the peripheral equipment or devices in a system in which the operation of peripheral equipment is not under the con.....
8495Office, Microsoft OfficeMicrosoft’s bundles of productivity tools. Different versions contain some or all of Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook, Microsoft.....
6202OffsetThe difference between the target value of the variable and the actual value......
3317Offtake canalA canal that takes water from another canal......
3439Offtake regulator, Intake structure, Turnout, or Head of offtake1 - A structure built at the head of an offtaking branch or distributary channel to control and admit regulated supplies into it from the parent canal.....
2747OgeeA reversed curve shaped like an elongated letter `S`. The downstream faces of overflow dams are often made in this shape See `Ogee weir`......
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