International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage Commission Interationale des Irrigation et du Drainage
Term No. | Term Name | Term Description |
5754 | Varnish paint | Varnish, usually coloured and often opaque. (See Varnish)..... |
795 | Vectopluviometer | A device for separating and measuring the rainfall according to the variation in wind direction during a storm. It consists of a rain gauge with a swi..... |
7485 | Vector | An organism that carries a disease, parasite or infection...... |
7486 | Vector control | Process of controlling a disease, parasite or infection by control of the carrier...... |
2089 | Veen | A Dutch term equivalent to both peat and muck...... |
6544 | Vegetated outlet | Any channel, depression, or area sufficiently stabilized with vegetation to permit safe disposal of terrace discharge...... |
5767 | Vehicle | A liquid, capable of dissolving and holding bases and pigments in suspension, and enabling paint to be laid on in thin and uniform coats, and to enter..... |
418 | Velocity | img:equations//418_421_e.jpg..... |
548 | Velocity | img:equations//547-548_e.jpg..... |
3088 | Velocity | The instantaneous rate of displacement of a fluid particle at any point in the flow. Commonly used for `mean velocity`...... |
3099 | Velocity gradient | The rate at which velocity varies across a section...... |
3057 | Velocity head | 1 - The distance a body must fall freely under the force of gravity to acquire the velocity it possesses. 2 - The theoretical vertical height through ..... |
3091 | Velocity head coefficient | The coefficient in the equation hv = V2/2g. The coefficient is included to correct for the variation of velocity in a stream cross section...... |
3938 | Velocity of approach | The mean velocity in the conduit or stream immediately upstream of a weir, dam, Venturi throat, orifice or other structures...... |
1843 | Velocity of capillary rise | The vertical rise of water due to capillary tension in a unit of time...... |
1216 | Velocity rod correction | The correction to be applied to the velocity given by a velocity rod in order to convert it into mean velocity...... |
1233 | Velocity-head rod, Velocity-head stick, Run-up | A device for measuring velocity through culverts, or over weirs, dams, etc., by placing the rod vertically in the flow and observing the `run-up` (the..... |
3942 | Vena contracta | The most contracted sectional area of a stream, jet or nappe beyond the place of the orifice, or notch, through which it issues...... |
9208 | Vendability method | This method for dividing joint costs is based on the theory that under conditions of perfect competition, a producer of joint products will so arrange..... |
5733 | Veneer | Thin sheets of wood, peeled, sawn or sliced from a log of some wood, either to be fabricated into plywood, or, if having extremely handsome, curly fig..... |
3958 | Venturi flume | A type of open flume, used for measuring flow, with a contracted throat that causes a drop in the hydraulic grade line. Note - The essential differenc..... |
3771 | Venturi flume drainage crossing | A cross-drainage structure in which the drainage channel is passed over a contracted flume built in the canal (illustrated)...... |
3959 | Venturi meter or Venturi tube | A constriction type flow meter consisting of a short parallel circular section (termed the throat) coaxial with the pipe in which it is inserted, conv..... |
8750 | Verification periods | The periods during that the verification events occur...... |
989 | Verkhovodka | Subsurface water of a temporary water-bearing formation underlain by a lens of impervious rock or slightly permeable layer, and embedded not far from ..... |
The Multilingual Technical Dictionary (MTD) is an e-dictionary of all technical terms related to irrigation, drainage, flood management, environment, river training, and allied disciplines of the water sector. Any term/ definition can be printed/copied with the option to download/updates of terms from the ICID website. The MTD enriches the process of sharing and exchange of experiences and has proven to be highly useful for engineers, researchers, students, professionals, planners, designers, academics and all others related to the field of irrigation and drainage. It is more helpful for professionals outside the water sector, in simplifying the technical jargon and to understand the sectoral nuances easily.
As part of ICID's flagship activity, it was first published in English and French languages in 1967, the – 4th edition of the MTD (English-French) was brought out on CD-ROM in the year 2002. Currently, we are following the 5th edition released in 2009, which defines 9,370 technical terms in Chinese, Japanese and Russian, besides English and French. This online version of MTD is based on the 5th edition's DVD format. This version includes 9370 technical terms with matching English and French translation. The DVD version also includes terms collected in Chinese, Japanese and Russian languages with the active support received from respective National Committees. However, full integration with online versions has not taken place due to the difference in available translation editions/ versions. National Committees of Iran, China, Japan, Russia, Korea, and India are working on the translation/ updating part to match the present online version.