International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage Commission Interationale des Irrigation et du Drainage

Multilingual Technical Dictionary (MTD)
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Term No.Term NameTerm Description
4406WadderThe wrapping of rope round the collar of the rope spear, or screwing an iron disk on the spear collar in order to cause the rope to pack in the bore h.....
723Wadi1 – A gully or valley, dry except in the rainy season. 2 – Sometimes also a stream running through such a valley......
6153WagonA trailer with a dump body......
5971Wagon drill, Wagon drillingA drifter mounted on a mast, supported by two or more wheels......
8322Wait stateAn internal condition of delay in processing time executed by the CPU when a synchronizing control signal is not present. Wait states synchronize the .....
3031WakeSystem of eddies formed at the point of separation in flow past a solid body when motion in the boundary layer becomes turbulent......
5844WaleBeam, either horizontal or vertical, put in contact with sheeting or other beams to hold them in place......
5915Wales, Walers, Rangers, or Waling timbersThe horizontal timbers placed on the face of the plank supporting the walls of an excavation in order to hold them together, and kept in place by stru.....
5943WalingsRigid beams, usually horizontal, used to keep the forms in line, to support the stand, and to avoid necessity of tying every stud. They are bolted thr.....
4369Walking beamA heavy hinged arm with a sheave at one end through which the drilling line passes; it provides for the raising and dropping of the tools in percussio.....
5896Walking-type double-tier formworkFormwork consisting of two identical panels connected by a bar hinged to the centres of the panels. The vertical shifting of the panels is achieved by.....
2446WalkwayA passageway for pedestrians......
3064WallThe bounding or inside surface of a conduit, manmade or natural, conveying liquid......
2649Wall frictionFrictional resistance mobilized between a wall and the soil in contact with the wall......
5932Wall plateThe vertical member in a system of raking shores, held against the wall by hooks driven into the mortar joints, and providing support for the heads of.....
3649Wall portsOpenings in the side walls for water conveyance in or out of the chamber through the wall culverts......
1931Wall pressureWall pressure is equal to and synonymous with turgor pressure for an isolated cell under equilibrium conditions......
6754Wallace’s Line An imaginary line, passing east of the Philippines, and separating the Orient from Australia......
8734Walnut PowderThe powder of the shell of walnut, having a specific gravity of the order of 1.3, that is used to reproduce morphological changes in mobile bed  of ph.....
2906Walton`s rising sill gateA tilting gate hinged at the base with an additional hinged flap at the downstream end. It is used to admit water into canals when silt is present, it.....
8323WANWide Area Network, a network that typically spans nationwide distances and usually utilizes public telephone networks......
8324Warm startRestarting a program that has stopped, but without losing any data......
6964Warm‑water fisheryWater that has an environment suitable for species of fish other than salmonids. .....
5744Warp1 - Any distortion of timber from the true or plane surface. 2 - See 1438 and 3396......
1438Warp1 - Bend in a river imposed by external restraint. 2 - Sediment deposited by water, or when alluvial soil is formed; also, a bed or layer of such sedi.....
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The Multilingual Technical Dictionary (MTD) is an e-dictionary of all technical terms related to irrigation, drainage, flood management, environment, river training, and allied disciplines of the water sector. Any term/ definition can be printed/copied with the option to download/updates of terms from the ICID website. The MTD enriches the process of sharing and exchange of experiences and has proven to be highly useful for engineers, researchers, students, professionals, planners, designers, academics and all others related to the field of irrigation and drainage.  It is more helpful for professionals outside the water sector, in simplifying the technical jargon and to understand the sectoral nuances easily. 

As part of ICID's flagship activity, it was first published in English and French languages in 1967, the – 4th  edition of the MTD (English-French) was brought out on CD-ROM in the year 2002. Currently, we are following the 5th  edition released in 2009, which defines 9,370 technical terms in Chinese, Japanese and Russian, besides English and French. This online version of MTD is based on the 5th edition's DVD format. This version includes 9370 technical terms with matching English and French translation. The DVD version also includes terms collected in Chinese, Japanese and Russian languages with the active support received from respective National Committees. However, full integration with online versions has not taken place due to the difference in available translation editions/ versions. National Committees of Iran, China, Japan, Russia, Korea, and India are working on the translation/  updating part to match the present online version.