International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage Commission Interationale des Irrigation et du Drainage

Multilingual Technical Dictionary (MTD)

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Term No.Term Name/Term DescriptionAction
Drainage area, Drainage basin, River basin, Catchment area, Catchment basin, Catchment, Watershed
The area from which a lake, stream or waterway and reservoir receives surface flow that originated as precipitation.
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Water parting, Drainage divide, Divide, Watershed divide, Watershed boundary, Topographic divide
A summit or boundary line separating adjacent drainage basins.
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Yield of drainage basin, Annual yield of drainage basin
Total volume or flow from a drainage basin for a stipulated period of time, e.g. ‘annual yield of drainage basin’ is the mean annual runoff......
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Drainage modulus, or Drainage coefficient
1 -The runoff from a drainage district expressed in depth units removed from the area in 24 hours. 2 - See 5242.
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External drainage
The movement of water across the surface of the land to outlets such as natural stream channels or waterways.
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Internal drainage
The downward movement of water through the soil profile to aquifers or surface outlets at a lower elevation.
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Method to lower the groundwater table by using evapotranspirative power of vegetation, like trees with high evapotranspiration rates. .....
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Drainage head
The difference between the water level in a normal working drain and the lowest level of the surroundings near ground.
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Endogenic drainage
Surface water that results from precipitation within the arid region.
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Allogenic drainage
Surface water that results from the precipitation occuring outside the arid region, resulting in streams that flow into the arid region. Usually occurs in deserts adjacent to mountains for example Stream from the Atlas Mountains flow into the Sahara desert, or those from the Andes mountains flow into the Atacama desert......
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Endoreic drainage
Surface water that does not reach the sea, owing to high evaporation loss and high surface absorption.
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Areic drainage
Surface water that flows into inland basins.
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Exoreic drainage
Surface water from arid regions that does reach the sea.
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An opening or passage provided within the body of a structure that may run either transversely or longitudinally and may be either horizontal or on a slope......
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Foundation gallery
A gallery provided in the dam body for access to the foundations for inspection and/or drainage for percolated water from the upstream face or seepage through the dam. Generally it is provided along the length of the dam near the rock-surfaces and conforming to the elevations in the transverse profile of the canyon, located near the axis of the dam.....
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Drainage gallery
A supplementary gallery located further downstream of the foundation gallery for the purpose of drilling and draining the downstream portion of the dam......
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Gate gallery
Gallery provided in dams for access to and room for the mechanical equipment used for the operation of gates in outlet conduits, power penstocks, or spillway crests......
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Inspection gallery
Gallery provided in a dam, for access to the interior of the body-mass to inspect the structure and study the structural behaviour of the dam after completion. Foundation, drainage, gate and grouting galleries also serve as inspection galleries......
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Drainage wells
Openings between the watertight arches and the supporting mass in a dam with Levy-type facing.
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Horizontal drainage blanket, Pervious blanket, or Drainage filter
A blanket of pervious material provided at the foundation level, commencing from the impervious zone to the downstream of an earthdam or the landside of a levee to allow the seepage water to travel and minimize the possibility of failure by piping or a blow out or sub-surface erosion......
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Cross-drainage work, or Drainage crossing
A structure carrying the discharge of a drainage channel or a natural stream across a canal intercepting the channel or stream......
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Level crossing, or Level drainage device
A cross-drainage work provided when the bed levels of the drainage channel and the canal are nearly the same and the discharge carried by the former is, generally, large but intermittent. The drainage water is admitted into the canal, allowed to mix with the canal water, and is then carried in the canal or passed out through an escape regulator or .....
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Syphon aqueduct, Drainage syphon, Cross drainage culvert
A cross-drainage work in which the irrigation canal is carried over the drainage channel or natural stream but the bed level of the drainage channel or natural stream is depressed below its natural or normal level while passing under the canal bed. The drainage or stream water passes through the syphon under pressure except at very low discharges w.....
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Drainage overpasses
A term used in Australia for a buried pipeline with drainage flow being passed over top of pipelines.
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Venturi flume drainage crossing
A cross-drainage structure in which the drainage channel is passed over a contracted flume built in the canal (illustrated)......
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