Term No. | Term Name/Term Description | Action |
62 |
Bar chart | The graphical representation of frequencies or magnitudes by bars drawn with lengths proportional to the frequencies or magnitude. The frequency scale has no other interpretation than number and locations; thickness and areas of the bars also have no significance...... | | Similar Terms |
64 |
Pie-chart | A device for presenting qualitative data where a circle is divided into pie-shaped pieces where areas and circumferences are proportional to the quantities to be represented...... | | Similar Terms |
70 |
Chart of Cumulative sum, or Cusum chart | A control chart depicting calculated values of a statistic for a series of successive samples. The ordinate of each point plotted represents the ordinate of the immediately preceding point increased by the value of the statistic computed from the last sample. Cusum charts are interpreted by comparison with limits that may vary in position for each ..... | | Similar Terms |
218 |
Control chart | A graphical device generally used to show the results of small-scale repeated sampling of a manufacturing process. It usually consists of a central horizontal line corresponding to the average value of the quantitative characteristic under investigation, together with upper and lower limits between that a stated proportion of sample statistics shou..... | | Similar Terms |
237 |
Line chart | A graphical representation of bivariate frequency distribution in which successive plots of two variates are connected by lines...... | | Similar Terms |
327 |
| Similar Terms |
328 |
Semilogarithmic chart | Chart having equal spacing on one axis, usually X-axis, and logarithmic spacing on the other axis. Owing to a property by virtue of which the slope of the curve at any point is an exact measure of the rate of increase or decrease in the data plotted, frequently called a `ratio chart`...... | | Similar Terms |
329 |
Logarithmic chart | Chart having both abscissae and ordinates spaced logarithmically; used more for the solution of problems than for presenting facts...... | | Similar Terms |
330 |
Polar chart, or Polar diagram | Chart on a polar coordinate paper frequently used for representing intensity of illumination, intensity of heat, polar forms of curves, etc...... | | Similar Terms |
331 |
Trilinear chart, or Triaxial diagram | Chart for studying the properties of chemical compounds consisting of three elements, alloys of three metals, or compounds and mixture containing three variables. The chart has the form of an equilateral triangle the altitude where represents 100 per cent of each of the three constituents...... | | Similar Terms |
332 |
Nomogram, Nomograph, or Alignment chart | 1 - A graph that enables, with the aid of a straight edge, to read off the value of a dependent variable when the value of the independent variable is given. 2 - A graphic representation of numerical relations by any of various systems...... | | Similar Terms |
334 |
Classification chart | Chart showing the subdivision of a whole and the interrelation of its parts to each other. | | Similar Terms |
335 |
| Similar Terms |
6053 |
Strip chart | A recording apparatus in batching and mixing operations of concrete, the valuable feature of with a printing device that stamps graduation lines and numerals, time interval lines, and designations for the graphs on a roll of blank, unperforated paper during the recording operation...... | | Similar Terms |
8160 |
Flowchart | A graphical representation of a sequence of operations by using lines and symbols to represent the operations such as compute, substitute, compare, jump, copy, read, write, etc...... | | Similar Terms |
8621 |
Delta chart | A chart portraying relations, events, logic elements, and activities in a time network. | | Similar Terms |
8964 |
Gantt chart | Bar chart that shows graphically the duration, including the start and end dates, of the project`s activities, as well as its milestones; can also show the relationships between the project`s activities, e.g., the finish of one task before another begins..... | | Similar Terms |