Term No. | Term Name/Term Description | Action |
192 |
One-sided test, One-tail test, or Single tail test | A test of a hypothesis when the region of rejection is wholly located at one end of the distribution of the test statistic, e.g. when the alternative hypothesis specifies values only to one side of the null hypothesis. The one-tail test may be described more precisely as either a `lower-tail test` or an `upper-tail test`...... | | Similar Terms |
193 |
| Similar Terms |
290 |
Detail drawing, or Detailing | The drawing of a separate piece or component of a structure or machine, giving a complete and exact description of its form, dimensions and construction...... | | Similar Terms |
303 |
Detailed section, or Removed section | A section similar to a revolved section, except that it does not appear on an external view but instead is drawn out of place and appears adjacent to it...... | | Similar Terms |
597 |
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598 |
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729 |
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873 |
Infiltration head | The depth of water on the surface porous media which causes infiltration. | | Similar Terms |
913 |
Hydraulic head | 1 The energy at a given point in a liquid, expressed as the equivalent height of a column of the liquid above a given datum. 2 See 1830, 5258 and 6491...... | | Similar Terms |
961 |
Headwater storage | Works designed to store or otherwise retain runoff, where it originates or as near thereto as practicable, to reduce the crest downstream...... | | Similar Terms |
1039 |
| Similar Terms |
1150 |
Head loss (in an aquifer) | The difference in height of the groundwater table in different parts of the same aquifer resulting from resistance to flow through the aquifer...... | | Similar Terms |
1233 |
Velocity-head rod, Velocity-head stick, Run-up | A device for measuring velocity through culverts, or over weirs, dams, etc., by placing the rod vertically in the flow and observing the `run-up` (the difference in water levels obtained at upstream and downstream of the rod); the rod is, generally, calibrated to read velocity, or discharge...... | | Similar Terms |
1337 |
Beheaded stream | A stream with original headwater drainage area, separated from it by another stream which is more active and has greater erosive power, now drains into the other stream...... | | Similar Terms |
1378 |
Headward erosion | 1 - The erosion of a stream bed by the action of scour at the bottom of a vertical cliff or waterfall where the flow of the stream plunges, causing undermining of the cliff and its movement upstream, so that the deepened section extends upstream. It differs from cataract action in as much as only a small flow may be necessary to keep it going, or a..... | | Similar Terms |
1429 |
Embayment | 1 - The area within the swing of the bend of a river. 2 - A deep depression in a shore line forming a large open bay. 3 - A local recession of a river bank due to erosion, i.e. a bite taken out of a river bank...... | | Similar Terms |
1484 |
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1491 |
Denehy`s `T` headed spur | A spur having its nose in `T` shape. In such type of spurs both the noses of `T` are protected against scouring. (Illustrated)..... | | Similar Terms |
1499 |
Strong head | The head or outer end of a groyne specially armoured or protected with stone mesh, pitching, etc., to resist erosion. | | Similar Terms |
1500 |
Fending groyne, or Bankhead | Groyne which fends the current of flow of water and prevents erosion. Denehy`s groyne is an example of this type (illustrated)...... | | Similar Terms |
1537 |
Upper bank | The portion of the river bank that is located above the low water level and below the foreshore level. See 1538. | | Similar Terms |
1538 |
Lower bank | The portion of a bank below low water level often extending quite a distance horizontally to the river bed. See 1537. | | Similar Terms |
1575 |
Tail water erosion | Linear erosion due to disturbance in sediment movement towards downstream, resulting in depletion of sediments required to reach the transportation capacity. The sediment deposit then occurs at the bottom and on the banks of the river...... | | Similar Terms |
1730 |
Upper plastic limit | The wetness at which the soil, in layers of specified thickness, just ceases to show a tendency to flow. | | Similar Terms |
1731 |
Lower plastic limit | The wetness at which the soil can barely be rolled into a wire according to a specified manner. | | Similar Terms |