International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage Commission Interationale des Irrigation et du Drainage

Multilingual Technical Dictionary (MTD)

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Term No.Term Name/Term DescriptionAction
Tide gate
An opening, through which water may flow freely in one direction, but which closes automatically and prevents the water from flowing in the other direction......
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Head gate structure
1 - The portion of the head regulator that houses control gates. 2 - Often used in the same sense as a head regulator.
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A device to stop or release water through a passage. For various types see sub-head V.4 `Gates and valves`.
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Closed weir, Overflow diversion dam, Fixed crest weir, Blind weir, or Ungated weir
A low dam built as a complete obstruction across the river so that the entire stream flow can pass over it. It may or may not be fitted with crest gates; when not fitted with crest gates, it is also called `fixed crest weir`, or `blind weir`, or `ungated weir`......
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Segment gate weir
A weir fitted with segment gates on its crest.
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Flap weir, Flash board weir, or Tilting gate weir
A type of movable weir in which a hinged leaf gate rotating about a horizontal axis is installed at the weir crest. Also called `flash board weir`......
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An opening or passage provided within the body of a structure that may run either transversely or longitudinally and may be either horizontal or on a slope......
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Foundation gallery
A gallery provided in the dam body for access to the foundations for inspection and/or drainage for percolated water from the upstream face or seepage through the dam. Generally it is provided along the length of the dam near the rock-surfaces and conforming to the elevations in the transverse profile of the canyon, located near the axis of the dam.....
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Drainage gallery
A supplementary gallery located further downstream of the foundation gallery for the purpose of drilling and draining the downstream portion of the dam......
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Gate gallery
Gallery provided in dams for access to and room for the mechanical equipment used for the operation of gates in outlet conduits, power penstocks, or spillway crests......
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Inspection gallery
Gallery provided in a dam, for access to the interior of the body-mass to inspect the structure and study the structural behaviour of the dam after completion. Foundation, drainage, gate and grouting galleries also serve as inspection galleries......
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Gate chamber of sluice well
A structure located within the abutment main body of the dam or the dam embankment where the regulating gates or emergency gates are installed. The lower portion of the chamber provides an anchorage for the gates and liner while the upper portion furnishes a working space for the removal of the gate leaf and other parts for repair or for installati.....
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Free standing barriers of straight or labyrinth types, installed side by side as individual units on a spillway sill, bearing against abutment blocks forming a watertight barrier and used economically for increasing the discharging capacity of the spillway and/or the storage retention in a reservoir.  During exceptional floods they are designed to .....
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Controlled spillway, or Gated spillway
A spillway having any type of control, e.g. crest control or crest gate at the crest to control the reservoir water surface......
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Uncontrolled spillway, or Ungated spillway
A spillway the crest of which permits water to discharge, whenever the reservoir surface is higher than the crest.
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Hydraulic gate, or Gate
A device consisting of a structure made of wood, metal or other material for controlling the flow of water through a passageway or an opening in a structure......
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Gate seal
Leakage preventing material or device provided at the sides and bottom of the gates, it can be at the top also when the gate is submerged under water......
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Open channel gate
A gate that closes a channel or opening having a wetted perimeter consisting of two sides and a sill, the surface of the retained water being nearly level with the top of the gate and free to atmosphere......
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Submerged-face gate, or Culvert gate
A gate that closes an opening having a wetted perimeter consisting of all four sides, the free surface level of the retained water being above the top of the gate opening......
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Crest gate
Gate mounted upon a crest for the purpose of maintaining and controlling the water level of the upstream side.
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Hinged gate, or Swing gate
Gate that has fixed or movable hinge and operated for controlling flow accordingly. This is also sometimes referred to as `swing gate`.....
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Fixed hinged gate
Hinged gate where the hinge remain fixed in position and the shutting surface is either directly connected with the hinge (tilting gate, shutter), or it itself is not hinged, but is connected with hinge through supporting frame (radial gate, drum gate). In the former case, the gate is called `hinged-leaf gate`......
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Hinged-leaf gate
1 - Gate consisting of a rigid flat leaf hinged at bearings along the lower (upstream) edge (illustrated). 2 - See 2885.
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Movable-hinged gate
A hinged gate when the hinge may move bodily up and down during operation e.g. Sidney gate.
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Bear trap shutter (gate)
A type of automatic shutter consisting essentially of two leaves hinged and sealed at the base. The two leaves also have a sliding hinge or seal at their junction. Operation is effected by the pressure under the gate by an adjustable weir or by the setting of inlet and outlet valves in a control chamber in the abutments or piers. Also called `bear .....
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