Term No. | Term Name/Term Description | Action |
867 |
Infiltration | 1 – The flow or movement of water through the surface into the soil body or ground (illustrated). 2 – The absorption of liquid water by the soil, either when it falls as rain, or when applied as irrigation, or from a stream flowing over the ground. 3 – Flow from a porous medium into a channel, pipe, drain, reservoir or conduit. 4 – The infi..... | | Similar Terms |
873 |
Infiltration head | The depth of water on the surface porous media which causes infiltration. | | Similar Terms |
874 |
Infiltration capacity | The maximum rate at which a given soil in a given condition can absorb rain as it falls, or irrigation water as it is applied...... | | Similar Terms |
875 |
Infiltration rate | 1 – The rate at which water penetrates the surface of a soil. The term is usually used to refer to water occurring as precipitation, but is also applied to water flowing or standing upon soil. 2 – The rate at which groundwater enters an infiltration ditch, gallery, drain, sewer or other underground conduit...... | | Similar Terms |
878 |
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879 |
Infiltration index | The average rainfall intensity over and above which the mass of rainfall (the supra-rain) equals the mass runoff. Note - In the illustration : (a) time; (b) rainfall; (c) the estimated amount of infiltration occurring before the rainfall rate exceeds the infiltration rate; (d) intensity; (e) excess rainfall...... | | Similar Terms |
881 |
Standard infiltration curve | Curve showing what the rate of infiltration would be under a standard rain condition during which the rainfall intensity continuously exceeds the infiltration rate (illustrated)...... | | Similar Terms |
1016 |
Water of infiltration | Water that appears as the result of percolation of surface waters or atmospheric precipitation into the upper parts of the lithosphere through the small capillary pores and interstices in the rock...... | | Similar Terms |
2674 |
Tunnel, or Temporary diversion tunnel | A passageway constructed underground, through high ground or mountains open at both ends so as to provide a path for a road, rail-road, canal, water, sewer, drain, etc. Tunnels in the context of irrigation projects (i) carry supplies of irrigation water through locations of high terrain that obstruct desirable canal routes, (ii) import supplies of ..... | | Similar Terms |
2676 |
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4150 |
Infiltration ditch | A man-made ditch that extends into the zone of saturation and through which water flows by gravity from the zone of saturation to the land surface or into a sump or well...... | | Similar Terms |
4151 |
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4190 |
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4220 |
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4226 |
Drawdown, Depression head, Percolation head, or Infiltration head | 1 - Lowering of the water table in an unconfined system or lowering of the piezometric surface in confined systems owing to the discharge from a well (illustrated). In percolation wells also known as `percolation head` or `infiltration head`. 2 - See 1119, and 5094...... | | Similar Terms |
4988 |
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7438 |
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8843 |
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