Term No. | Term Name/Term Description | Action |
948 |
N-Year flood | A flood which has a probability of being equalled or exceeded once every N-years or has one chance in N of occurring in any one year...... | | Similar Terms |
7954 |
N-Year flood | A flood that has a probability of being equalled or exceeded once in every N-years or has one chance in N of occuring in any one year...... | | Similar Terms |
6310 |
Nadir | In remote sensing, point on the ground vertically beneath the perspective centre of the camera lens. | | Similar Terms |
397 |
Nano | img:equations//383_402_e.jpg | | Similar Terms |
6853 |
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9337 |
Nanoplankton | Phytoplankton whose lengths range from 10-50 µm. | | Similar Terms |
2299 |
Nappe | A sheet or curtain of water overflowing a weir, fall, etc. The nappe has an upper and a lower surface profile. | | Similar Terms |
6524 |
Narrow-base terrace | A terrace similar to a broad-base terrace in all respects excepting the width of ridge and channel. | | Similar Terms |
2309 |
Narrow-crested inclined weir | A weir formed by projecting an inclined wall (upstream or downstream) from the bed of the channel. Briefly, these are called `inclined weirs` (illustrated)...... | | Similar Terms |
7003 |
Natality | The birth of offspring by a given animal population. | | Similar Terms |
6613 |
Native | An animal or plant that is indigenous to a given locale. | | Similar Terms |
5583 |
Natural aggregates | Naturally occurring aggregates that do not require crushing; washing and/or screening for grading may be necessary before use...... | | Similar Terms |
5485 |
Natural bed (stone) | The surface of a stone whereon it was originally deposited, but not necessarily horizontal when resting in the quarry, the strata being often inclined and even upright, due to the beds having become folded by volcanic and other agencies...... | | Similar Terms |
2544 |
Natural blanket | A cover of naturally occurring soil acting as a blanket. The natural blanket is generally less permeable. | | Similar Terms |
5517 |
Natural cement | The finely pulverized product resulting from the calcination of an argillaceous limestone at a temperature just sufficient to drive off the carbonic acid gas. Does not slake with water into a hydraulic cement unless ground...... | | Similar Terms |
7866 |
Natural disaster | A serious disruption triggered by a natural hazard causing human, material, economic or environmental losses, which exceed the ability of those affected to cope...... | | Similar Terms |
7793 |
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5126 |
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5050 |
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5173 |
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6575 |
Natural ecosystem | Ecosystem that attains its development without appreciable interference by man and is subject to natural forces of modification and destruction. ..... | | Similar Terms |
6599 |
Natural environment | 1 - The atmospheric, geological and biological complex found in an area in the absence of artifacts or influences of a well-developed technological, human culture. 2 - An environment in which human impact is not controlling, or not significantly greater than that of other animals. ..... | | Similar Terms |
6464 |
Natural erosion | Wearing away of earth`s surface by water, ice or other natural agents under natural environmental conditions, undisturbed by man. Synonymous with `geological erosion`...... | | Similar Terms |
7675 |
Natural fertility | The nutrient status of soil that allows it to support plant growth, existing before any modification by humans. | | Similar Terms |
4119 |
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