Term No. | Term Name/Term Description | Action |
5869 |
Sand bank, Sand bank method | A covering of sand around and above structures built in the diversion channel to absorb most of the shock from the blast of the solid bulkheads and to prevent destructive cracking or displacement of the structure...... | | Similar Terms |
5663 |
Sand blasting | A cleaning process by applying sand mixed with air under pressure through jet on to a concrete or other surface. Sometimes used to prepare on layer of concrete for pouring of a second layer...... | | Similar Terms |
3203 |
Sand core | Sand-filled depth in a bank to inhibit animals from burrowing. | | Similar Terms |
6422 |
Sand dune | A sand wave of approximately triangular cross-section (in a vertical plane in the direction of flow), formed by moving wind or water, with gentle upstream slope and steep downstream slope, that travels downstream by the movement of sediment up the upstream slope and the deposition of it on the downstream slope...... | | Similar Terms |
5871 |
Sand island method | A patented construction method used in streams for piers, etc., by forming a special island of sand in the stream to provide a stable footing through that a pier may be sunk to rock or other sound formation...... | | Similar Terms |
4376 |
Sand pump, Shell pump, or Sludger | A long cylindrical tube fitted with a valve at the bottom and a plunger with a valve or valve-action leathers, and open at the top, used for raising up the mud which accumulates at the bottom of a boring during the sinking process...... | | Similar Terms |
3495 |
Sand screens | In Egyptian terminology, silt devices built in the parent channel in front of intake regulators to deflect bottom sediment from entering the offtake channel...... | | Similar Terms |
6035 |
| Similar Terms |
5150 |
Sand trap | Device, often a simple enlargement in a ditch, open channel, or pipe, for detaining sand and other heavy particles carried by water. May also include means for removing such material...... | | Similar Terms |
3490 |
Sand trap, Sand and gravel trap | A device in a channel for arresting the sand, silt, etc., carried by the water, and generally including means of ejecting them from the system. When the sediment load includes gravel, it is called `sand and gravel trap`...... | | Similar Terms |
5512 |
Sand-carrying capacity (lime mortar) | The characteristic, expressed by the number of parts of sand that may be added to the lime without rendering the mortar too stiff to work well under the trowel...... | | Similar Terms |
8024 |
Sand-carrying wells, or Sand boils | A concentrated outflow of groundwater where the velocity of the groundwater flow is so high that soil particles are transported, even in the upward direction. This phenomenon can trigger a regressive process of internal erosion forming holes and cavities in the ground beneath the dike. The danger of sand-carrying wells is that sand is carried away ..... | | Similar Terms |
8089 |
Sandbag | A bag filled with sand, silt or earth used for closing of breaches, or to form a temporary check dam. Sometimes filled with concrete and used for the same purpose as riprap...... | | Similar Terms |
8090 |
Sandbag dike | Encircling a building, facility or settlement with sandbags. | | Similar Terms |
1370 |
| Similar Terms |
5475 |
Sandstones | 1 - Rocks of sedimentary origin that have resulted from the consolidation of sand and gravel beds that either contained the cementing substance or were impregnated with it during the process of solidification; for the most part, these consist of quartz grains cemented together by silica, clay, iron oxide, or lime carbonate. 2 - Stone quarried from ..... | | Similar Terms |
3251 |
Sandwich brick tile lining | Lining consisting of a layer of plaster on the subgrade and two layers of tiles with an impervious layer of cement mortar sandwiched in between...... | | Similar Terms |
1579 |
Sandy river | River whose substratum consists of relatively smaller grains (with diameters less than 2mm) in a generally less wider granulometric study...... | | Similar Terms |
7256 |
Sanitary landfill | Disposal of solid wastes by burial beneath a cover of soil or regolith. | | Similar Terms |
7259 |
Sanitary landfill liner | An impermeable barrier, manufactured, constructed or existing in a natural condition, that is utilized to collect or contain leachate...... | | Similar Terms |
4097 |
Sanitary protection | The sum of those procedures, such as vaccination, food hygiene and stool sanitation of infected persons, and health inspection that protect inhabitants of projects from such water-related diseases as malaria, bilharzis and onchocercasis ...... | | Similar Terms |
7339 |
Sanitary wastewater | The water supply of a community after it has been used and discharged into a sewer. | | Similar Terms |
7170 |
Sanitation | Control of the physical factors in the human environment that can harm development, health or survival. The formulation and application of measures designed to protect public health...... | | Similar Terms |
1559 |
Sao | The name given to the whole work when the `peis` placed one above the other reach the required height (illustrated). | | Similar Terms |
6877 |
Saprobic | Associated with dead or decaying organic matter. | | Similar Terms |