Term No. | Term Name/Term Description | Action |
1465 |
Island | Piece of land surrounded by flowing water in the stream or channel itself. | | Similar Terms |
1521 |
Pitched island | An earthen embankment in the shape of an island with protected slopes and toes, constructed in the bed of the river (illustrated)...... | | Similar Terms |
1586 |
Land | The solid part of the earth considered in its entirety. A country or district, large or small, especially considered as a place of human habitation with reference to its soil use, value, conditions, social aspects, etc...... | | Similar Terms |
1991 |
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1992 |
Inundated low land | Low land covered with or subject to overflows of water, such as from floods or tides. | | Similar Terms |
2006 |
Tide land | Land which is inundated during flood tide. | | Similar Terms |
2097 |
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2124 |
Custard-apple land | A local name for substantial land on the southern and eastern shores of Lake Okeechobee in Florida. | | Similar Terms |
2199 |
Land reclamation | The process of making land capable of more intensive use by changing its general character, as by drainage of wet lands; irrigation of arid or semi‑arid lands; or recovery of submerged lands from seas, lakes, and rivers...... | | Similar Terms |
3208 |
Canal land width, or Right-of-way | The width of land occupied by or acquired for a channel section including its inside berms, banks, outside borrow-pits, if any, spoil banks, if any. In Australia, this is termed `reserve`, if the land is acquired by the authority, and `easement`, if the land remains the property of the owner, but the permission to use it for carrying water has been..... | | Similar Terms |
3231 |
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3232 |
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3889 |
Landmark fishway | A type of pool and jet fishway formed by making the baffles perpendicular to the bottom, but oblique to the axis, and by placing a simple jet deflector close to the opening left by the baffles. Named after its designer Landmark (Norway) (illustrated)...... | | Similar Terms |
3919 |
Landing place | A horizontal platform near the water surface level where the cattle or traffic make a landing when unloaded out of the canal (illustrated)...... | | Similar Terms |
3991 |
Land ownership | Individual (or group) ownership of land, with rights to sell. | | Similar Terms |
3993 |
Land tenure | Arrangement or right that allows a person or a community to use specific pieces of land and associated resources (e.g. water, trees, etc.) in a certain period of time and for particular purposes. ..... | | Similar Terms |
4112 |
Floodplain, or Flood Land | 1 - The portion of the landscape inundated by a flood. The extent of the floodplain is often defined by a particular frequency flood : the 100-year floodplain is the area inundated by a flood with an average return period between events of 100 years, or an annual probability of occurrence of 0.01 (illustrated). 2 - The flood-prone areas adjacent to..... | | Similar Terms |
4122 |
Washland, or Floodplain | 1 -An embanked, low-lying land bordering a river or estuary, usually part of the natural floodplain, over which floodwaters are allowed to flow periodically in order to control high water level in the river. 2 - Also see 4112...... | | Similar Terms |
4123 |
Washland storage, or Floodplain storage | The construction of dykes on a floodplain for the storage of flood water, in order to reduce flooding downstream. Schemes may be passive (they flood when flow exceeds a certain level without intervention) or active (water may enter the storage area after, for example, sluices are opened)...... | | Similar Terms |
4137 |
Sacrosanct land | Land unlikely to yield a tangible benefit from flood alleviation, such as common land, nature reserves, recreation areas...... | | Similar Terms |
4676 |
Land forming | 1 - Modification of a field surface by mechanical means so as to improve irrigation or drainage. Various types of land forming include land grading, land leveling, or land smoothing, depending on slope and degree of irregularity of the finished field surface. Land forming design considerations include minimizing the volume of cuts and fills and mai..... | | Similar Terms |
4677 |
Rolling land | Land having gradual, rounded undulations on its surface. | | Similar Terms |
4678 |
Upland | Terrain above the lowlands of river valleys. | | Similar Terms |
4683 |
Logged-off land | Land cleared of trees but from that stumps are yet to be removed. | | Similar Terms |
4702 |
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