International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage Commission Interationale des Irrigation et du Drainage

Multilingual Technical Dictionary (MTD)

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Term No.Term Name/Term DescriptionAction
Likelihood is defined as numerically equal to the probability when a series of hypotheses is being considered.
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Maximum likelihood method
The method of estimating a parameter (or parameters) of a population by that value (or values) which maximizes (or maximize) the likelihood of a sample......
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Siphon weir
A weir operating on the siphon principle. The siphonic arrangement is usually fitted in gravity weirs.
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Siphon-pit setting
A type of turbine setting used when the head is insufficient to provide a permanent water seal to the turbine. The water passes through the turbine under siphonic action (illustrated)......
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Siphon spillway
A spillway operating on the siphon principle.
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Siphon, or Syphon
1 - A tube, pipe or a hose through which liquid can be moved from a higher to a lower level over an intervening (higher) barrier.  The movement is caused by atmospheric pressure forcing the liquid through the upstream portion of the siphon while the weight of the liquid in the downstream leg causes continuous downward flow. Because the upper part r.....
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High head siphon
A siphon acting under a difference in water level of more than the barometric height of the water column, i.e. 10.33 metres......
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Low head siphon
A siphon acting under a difference in water level of less than the barometric height of the water column, i.e. less than 10.33 metres......
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Saddle siphon, or Hood siphon
A siphon having its duct formed of a U-shaped hood. The inlet lip of the hood is submerged below the full reservoir level and that of the outlet lip terminates in a water seal formed by various devices. The siphons are sometimes named according to the water seal provided (illustrated)......
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Siphon duct, or Siphon barrel
The annular space between the dam (body wall) and the hood (illustrated).
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Hood, or Cowl
A U-shaped body or structure made of reinforced cement concrete made over the body wall to form a siphon duct (illustrated)......
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Entrance lip of hood, Upper lip of hood, or Upstream lip of hood
The upstream edge of the hood that remains submerged below the full reservoir level for siphonic action to begin (illustrated)......
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Exit lip of hood, Downstream lip of hood, or Lower lip of hood
The downstream edge of the lower limb (illustrated).
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Baby siphon type water seal, or Maramsilli baby siphon type water seal
A water seal provided by a baby siphon which by virtue of being at a lower level gets primed earlier and its issuing jet itself seals the downstream end of the siphon duct. A siphon employing this device is also called a `Maramsilli baby siphon` (illustrated)......
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Baby siphon, or Maramsilli baby siphon
A smaller siphon operating at a lower level than the main siphon in the Maramsilli baby siphon. Sometimes, the baby siphon is also referred to as `Maramsilli baby siphon` (illustrated)......
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Auxiliary siphon type water seal
A water seal created by providing a baby siphon placed either in front or by the side of the main siphon. The two siphons are connected through a pipe conduit......
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Battery of siphons
A number of siphons installed close to each other.
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Volute siphon
A siphon consisting of a bent pipe (barrel), the vertical portion is usually funnel-shaped at the top. Volutes are placed on the funnel or outside the vertical pipe near its top and due it is to this that it owes its name. The funnel is covered by a dome placed at some distance. The dome is supported by a cylindrical drum resting on pillars leaving.....
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Priming siphon
A siphon device usually of smaller capacity installed with a main siphon or battery of siphons to reduce priming depth in the latter......
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Deflector hood
A curved deflector, used in jet diffusion method, to prevent the jet from being torn apart by induced eddies until it is well submerged (illustrated)......
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Well siphon
A siphon in which wells are provided at each end of the siphon.
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Siphon spillway (canal)
A spillway operating on siphonic principle placed in the bank normal to the flow of the canal or in the canal downstream of the head race channel of a hydro-electric plant......
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Double orifice module outlet, or Siphon module outlet
A Neyrpic module provided with two metallic covers forming a syphon. This outlet works as a semi-module as long as upstream water level does not touch the bottom edges of the two metallic covers. Then, with further rise in upstream water level it works as a semi-module orifice till the siphon primes and flow through which impinges on the jet. This .....
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Syphon, Inverted siphon, Irrigation syphon, Canal syphon, Syphon superpassage
1 - A structure with a closed conduit, designed to run full and usually under pressure, to transport (i) canal water under railroads, roads, various types of drainage channels and depressions, or (ii) drainage water under railroads, roads, etc. In reference to cross-drainage works on canals, this term pinpoints to the condition that the canal passe.....
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Siphon tubes
Small diameter, curved tubes that convey water from field irrigation ditches to individual furrows or corrugations by siphonic action......
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