Term No. | Term Name/Term Description | Action |
440 |
| Similar Terms |
552 |
| Similar Terms |
851 |
| Similar Terms |
915 |
Specific yield | 1 The ratio of the volume of water that can be removed by free drainage from a saturated soil to the total volume of the soil. Also called `drainage or drainable porosity`. 2 The ratio of that volume of water that a rock or soil, after being saturated, will yield by gravity, to the volume of rock or soil. 3 - See 5277...... | | Similar Terms |
1116 |
Economic yield | The maximum rate at which water can be withdrawn from an aquifer throughout the foreseeable future without depleting the supply or altering the chemical character of the water to such an extent that withdrawal at this rate is no longer economically possible. The term may be applied with respect to a single user or all users in a groundwater basin...... | | Similar Terms |
1117 |
Physical yield limit, or Potential yield | The greatest rate of artificial withdrawal from an aquifer that can be maintained throughout the foreseeable future without regard to cost. Equal therefore to the present recharge, or that anticipated in the foreseeable future, less the unrecoverable natural discharge...... | | Similar Terms |
1357 |
Sediment yield | The total sediment outflow from a watershed or past a given location in a specified period of time. It includes bedload as well as suspended load. Usually expressed as load per unit of time...... | | Similar Terms |
1847 |
Capillary yield | The quantity of capillary water in mm per day or in litres/sec/hectare, rising through a plane parallel to the phreatic surface, situated at a certain depth below the ground surface...... | | Similar Terms |
2387 |
| Similar Terms |
2598 |
Factor of safety | An index of stability of a structure with respect to its sudden failure. | | Similar Terms |
3218 |
| Similar Terms |
3278 |
Colloidal yield | Per cent of sample remaining in suspension after 18 hours, when a sample of soil or earth is suspended in water. | | Similar Terms |
3603 |
Guard gates, or Double safety lock gates | An additional pair of lock gates provided on the inner side to serve as alternative gates in case the outer set of gates need to be repaired (illustrated)...... | | Similar Terms |
3971 |
Safe yield | With reference to either the surface-water or groundwater supply, the rate of diversion or extraction for consumptive use that can be maintained indefinitely, within the limits of economic feasibility...... | | Similar Terms |
4288 |
Specific vertical yield | The volume of flow of water into the well upward through the formation in the bottom of the well per unit sectional area of the well under a unit infiltration head...... | | Similar Terms |
4854 |
| Similar Terms |
5277 |
Specific yield, or Drainable porosity | 1- The volume of water released from a known volume of saturated soil under the force of gravity and the inherent soil tensions. It is expressed as a percentage of the total volume of saturated soil. 2 - See 915...... | | Similar Terms |
5383 |
| Similar Terms |
5389 |
Safe velocity | The greatest velocity at which it is possible to let water flow in a drainage channel without causing erosion or washing of the banks...... | | Similar Terms |
5619 |
Yield (of concrete) | The volume of concrete resulting from a mix of stated quantities of cement, water and aggregates. | | Similar Terms |
5999 |
Safety fuse | A device consisting of a train of enclosed black powder that is used as a medium to convey a flame to an explosive. The flame will travel along the fuse at a predetermined uniform rate...... | | Similar Terms |