International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage Commission Interationale des Irrigation et du Drainage

Multilingual Technical Dictionary (MTD)

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Term No.Term Name/Term DescriptionAction
Factor of safety
An index of stability of a structure with respect to its sudden failure.
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Fuse plug, or Breaching section
A term sometimes used to designate an `automatic spillway`, especially when a low dike is built across a low saddle on the rim of the reservoir basin and intended to be washed out when water reaches an intended elevation in the spillway to become dangerous. It is also applied under similar conditions in a canal......
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Free standing barriers of straight or labyrinth types, installed side by side as individual units on a spillway sill, bearing against abutment blocks forming a watertight barrier and used economically for increasing the discharging capacity of the spillway and/or the storage retention in a reservoir.  During exceptional floods they are designed to .....
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Normal safety freeboard, or Standard freeboard
The difference between the maximum level of normal operation and the maximum level of emergency operation.
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Guard gates, or Double safety lock gates
An additional pair of lock gates provided on the inner side to serve as alternative gates in case the outer set of gates need to be repaired (illustrated)......
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Diffuser, or Diffuser vanes
In centrifugal pumps, a fixed or removable casting between the impeller and the casing with liquid passages designed to convert velocity head to pressure head......
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Diffuser (fixed)
A mechanism on a sprinkler head that causes the water jet to diffuse into smaller droplets than would otherwise be the case......
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Distribution pattern (of a sprinkler diffuser)
The depths of water deposited over a given time interval along a radius of the wetted area by a single sprinkler or over the area wetted by one or several adjacent sprinklers, generally expressed in mm/hr.  The pattern may be represented graphically or by one of the uniformity coefficients......
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Range (of a sprinkler or diffuser)
The maximum distance, measured under normal operation, between the vertical axis of a sprinkler and the outer edge of the wetted pattern.  Some authorities define that outer edge as the distance where the sprinkler intensity falls below 0.25 mm/hr. (for a sprinkler with discharge greater than 75 l/hr.)  and below 0.13 mm/hr. (for a  sprinkler with .....
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Minimum operating pressure (of a sprinkler or diffuser)
The pressure, below which the sprinkler or diffuser will not function properly.
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Test pressure (of a sprinkler or diffuser)
The water pressure at the nozzle during a test of discharge or water distribution pattern.
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1 - A type of emitter on a micro-irrigation system from which the water is discharged in the form of fine droplets or individual low pressure jets, such that separate spots on the soil are wetted. Their use is most common in orchards. 2 – See 4840......
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1 - A micro-irrigation apparatus, without any pivoting part, that throws the water on a given surface in the form of fine droplets delivered in concentrated small jets (which resist the wind better). Its discharge depends on the sprayer diameter and pressure. It may vary from 20 to 80 l/h. Minidiffusers can be of self-regulating type. 2 – See 480.....
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Maximum safety pressure difference of a filter
Permissible pressure difference between the inlet and the outlet of a filter for operator safety reasons .
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Safety fuse
A device consisting of a train of enclosed black powder that is used as a medium to convey a flame to an explosive. The flame will travel along the fuse at a predetermined uniform rate......
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A general term for solid waste material.
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Organic refuse
Waste material made from substances composed of chemical compounds of carbon and generally manufactured in the life processes of plants and animals......
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Inorganic refuse
Waste material composed of substances not of  plant or animal origin, nor of other chemical compounds of carbon.  
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Fuseplug levee
A low and weak section of levee which, when once overtopped, will wash out rapidly and develop full discharge capacity into the floodway in order to reduce the damage caused by the flood......
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