International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage Commission Interationale des Irrigation et du Drainage

Multilingual Technical Dictionary (MTD)

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Term No.Term Name/Term DescriptionAction
A quantity that is applied to an observation or function thereof to diminish or eliminate the effects of errors and obtain an improved value of the observation or function. It is also applied to reduce an observation to some arbitrary standard. The correction corresponding to a given error is of the same magnitude, but of opposite sign......
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Air-line correction
One of two stream gauging corrections to determine true water depth under conditions that cause large vertical angles in air-line configuration. The air line correction is for that part of the line that is above the water surface (illustrated). .....
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Wet-line correction
One of the two gauging corrections to determine true water depths under condition cause large vertical angles in air-line configuration. The wet line correction is for that portion of the line that is under water (Illustrated)......
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Sag correction
The amount by which soundings must be reduced to obtain true vertical values.
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Angularity correction, or Skew correction
The correction to be made to an observed velocity when the direction of the current is not exactly at right angles to the discharge section line......
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Velocity rod correction
The correction to be applied to the velocity given by a velocity rod in order to convert it into mean velocity.
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One form of stone mesh consisting of tubes of wire mesh, usually circular or elliptical in section, filled with stone and closed at the ends. In one form, somewhat similar to bolsters (See 1549) used for protection of river banks, when the sausages are laid parallel touching down the sloped bank and out into the bed, or horizontally as a mattress f.....
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Sausage dam
A type of deflection or diversion dam composed of layers of boulders, overlaid and held in place by hogwire fencing; distinguished from a basket dam in that the latter is a woven wire sack filled with boulders and piled up as in a sack dam. Both are especially adapted to jetties and river bank protection......
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Mole (U.S. usage)
1 - A massive harbour work extended into the sea water, to avert filling of material flowing from the coast or to straighten or limit the intensity of tidal currents. Moles are constructed at the mouth of a Tidal river to deepen or straighten the river. 2 - See 5223......
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A cross-drainage work, the reverse of a canal aqueduct when the canal is passed under the drainage channel or natural stream such that the full supply level of the canal leaves a sufficient freeboard from underside of the drainage trough above it......
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Pipe superpassage
A superpassage in which drainage water is taken in a pipe over the canal.
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Syphon, Inverted siphon, Irrigation syphon, Canal syphon, Syphon superpassage
1 - A structure with a closed conduit, designed to run full and usually under pressure, to transport (i) canal water under railroads, roads, various types of drainage channels and depressions, or (ii) drainage water under railroads, roads, etc. In reference to cross-drainage works on canals, this term pinpoints to the condition that the canal passe.....
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Sag pipe, or Sag line
Terms sometimes used for syphon or inverted siphon.
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Diversion passage way
A diversion passage provided in partly completed structure.
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