International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage Commission Interationale des Irrigation et du Drainage

Multilingual Technical Dictionary (MTD)

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Term No.Term Name/Term DescriptionAction
Orthographic projection
Method of representing the exact shape of an object in two or more planes generally at right angles to each other by extending perpendiculars from the object to the planes. The term `orthogonal projection` is sometimes used for this system of drawing......
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Oblique projection
The representation of objects on a single plane by means of their projections, the projecting lines making angles other than 90o with the plane. The object is usually placed with the front face, or two of the principal axes, parallel to the plane of projection. The angle of the projections with the plane is usually 45o and the drawing is then calle.....
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Axonometric projection
The representation of objects by means of their perpendicular projections on a single plane so placed that a rectangular solid projected upon it would show three faces. When all three faces are equally inclined to the plane of projection so that all the edges (and the three principal axes) are equally foreshortened, the method is called `isometric .....
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Multiview projection, or Multiplanar projection
A method of projection that shows the exact shape of an object can be represented by two or more separate views produced on projection planes that are usually at right angles to each other......
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Auxiliary projection
A projection of an object on a plane that is perpendicular to one of the principal planes of projection and inclined to the other two......
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Perspective projection
The representation of an object on a plane or curved surface as it appears to the eye.
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Pilot project
An early, usually small project set up to gain experience in operating the actual project.
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Project intensity
The average annual intensity aimed at in design of  a project.
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Project standards
The technical principles that govern the design and operation of an irrigation project. (i) Main technical choices The fundamental decisions of project scope, objectives, and methods of achieving such objectives. (ii) Specific standards Statements of acceptable or minimum levels of performance of each component of a project. (iii) Flow charts Chart.....
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Drifts of a project
The gradual transition toward economic failure of a project, caused either by an inadequacy of the system to attain the project`s objectives or a lack of interest caused by a persistent fall in the performance of the project......
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Flood control project, Flood mitigation project, or Flood protection scheme
1 -A project meant either solely or primarily for flood control purpose, although in the latter case it may incidentally serve other purposes. It may utilize one or several of the flood control methods. 2 - Also see 8802......
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Overall project efficiency
The ratio of irrigation water available to crop, to total inflow into supply system. Overall project efficiency = conveyance efficiency x distribution efficiency x field  application efficiency......
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Irrigation development project or system
A project or a system comprising a series of structures and ancillary  infrastructure meant to provide supply of water to an irrigation zone of farm/s,  to enable removal of excess water by drainage, and to carry out   necessary operation and maintenance. They include : headworks, distribution structures, besides buildings and other constructions t.....
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Emissions projections
Estimates of emissions likely to be emitted in a given geographic area at a designated future date.
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Project scheduling
Determining the timing of the work/task activities that comprise the project and coordinating them so that the overall project time can be determined......
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Project inventory, or Inventory of resources
That part of the development resources vector that is needed for the implementation of a specific project. It comprises collection, generation, and processing of information on resources and their interaction......
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Project, Scheme, Water project, or Water resources development project
1 - An undertaking or a work denoting either investigation, design, construction or operation and maintenance activity directed to developing or utilizing water resources for beneficial use or controlling them. 2 - Series of related activities directed to developing or utilizing water resources that has a discrete beginning and end and is intended .....
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River valley project
Project directed to developing, controlling or utilizing water resources of a river basin.
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Single-purpose project
Project designed, constructed and operated to serve only one purpose, e.g. irrigation, flood control, hydro-electric power or navigation. It may be an independent project, or a part, planned or improvised, of an integrated river basin development......
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Multipurpose project, or Multiple-purpose project
Project designed, constructed and operated to serve two or more interests or purposes, namely flood control, hydro-electric power, navigation, irrigation, fisheries, public water supplies, recreation. Project designed primarily for one of these purposes but providing incidental benefits to others is also referred to as multipurpose. It may be indiv.....
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Individual project
Single or multipurpose project, without consideration of the integrated river basin development.
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Irrigation project
A project meant either solely or primarily for irrigation purposes including development and improvement of land, although in the latter case it may incidentally serve other purposes......
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Flood control project, Flood mitigation project
1 - A project meant either solely or primarily for flood control purposes, although in the latter case it may incidentally serve other purposes. It may utilize one or several of the flood control methods. Also called in Australia `flood mitigation project`. 2 - See 4106......
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Hydro-electric power project
Project meant solely or primarily for hydro-electric power production, although in the latter case it may incidentally serve other purposes......
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