Term No. | Term Name/Term Description | Action |
983 |
Belt of soil water | The part of the zone of aeration that consists of soil and other materials that lie near enough to the surface to discharge water into the atmosphere in perceptible quantities by the transpiration of plants or by evaporation from the soil...... | | Similar Terms |
1033 |
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1364 |
Well graded soil | A continuous distribution of grain sizes from the coarsest to the finest components in a proportions that the successively smaller size grains just fill the spaces between the larger grains...... | | Similar Terms |
1584 |
Soil Science | The science dealing with soil as a natural resource on the surface of the earth including soil formation, classification, mapping, the mineralogical, physical, chemical, biological and fertility properties of soil; also, in relation to their management and soil conservation for crop production...... | | Similar Terms |
1585 |
Soil | The soil is a natural body of mineral and organic constituents, differentiated into horizons, of variable depth, which differs from the material below in morphology, physical make-up, chemical properties and composition, and biological characteristics. In agricultural soil science, the term soil is applied only to the thin upper part of the mantle ..... | | Similar Terms |
1592 |
Soil morphology | The physical constitution of soil including the texture, structure, porosity, consistency and colour of the various soil horizons, their thickness and their arrangement in the soil profile...... | | Similar Terms |
1597 |
Mature soil | A soil with well-developed soil horizons produced by natural processes of soil formation and essentially in equilibrium with its present environment...... | | Similar Terms |
1598 |
Immature soil | A soil with indistinct or only slightly developed horizons because of the relatively short time it has been subjected to the various soil-forming processes. A soil which has not reached equilibrium with the environment...... | | Similar Terms |
1600 |
Skeletal soil | A soil consisting mainly of coarse fragments of partly weathered rocks. | | Similar Terms |
1601 |
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1602 |
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1603 |
Hydromorphic soil | Soil developed in the presence of excess water, all or part of the time. | | Similar Terms |
1604 |
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1605 |
Residual soil | A soil formed from, or resting on consolidated rock of the same kind as that from which it was formed and in the same location...... | | Similar Terms |
1606 |
Transported soil, or Secondary soil | Soil developed through the action of weathering and other agencies on materials, originating from previously existing soil and from rock debris, which have been eroded from their former locations and redeposited by the transporting agents...... | | Similar Terms |
1607 |
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1608 |
Alluvial soil | A soil, relatively recently deposited, developed by water from the parent material and characterized by little or no modification of the parent material by the soil-forming process...... | | Similar Terms |
1609 |
Aeolian soil | Soil formed from wind-transported soil material. | | Similar Terms |
1611 |
Colluvial soil | Soil comprising heterogeneous deposits or rock fragments and soil material accumulated at the base of comparatively steep slopes through the influence of gravity, including creep and local wash...... | | Similar Terms |
1613 |
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1614 |
Organic soil | Soil containing organic matter in sufficient quantities (equal to more than 30%) to dominate soil characteristics. | | Similar Terms |
1615 |
Soil profile | Vertical section of soil showing a sequence of horizons from the surface to the parent material. | | Similar Terms |
1619 |
Soil horizon | A layer of soil, approximately parallel to the soil surface, with characteristics produced by soil-forming processes. | | Similar Terms |
1620 |
Soil horizon symbols | The symbols used to designate soil horizons are marked with the capital letters H, O, A, B, C, E and R. | | Similar Terms |
1629 |
Subsoil | Part of a soil between the layer normally used in tillage and the depth to which most plant roots grow. | | Similar Terms |