International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage Commission Interationale des Irrigation et du Drainage

Multilingual Technical Dictionary (MTD)

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Term No.Term Name/Term DescriptionAction
Control limits
In manufacturing processes, the limits between which a stated proportion of sample statistics should fall. The upper control limit (designated UCL) and the lower control limit (designated LCL) - for individual observations are, generally, at ± 3s from the mean, where s is the standard deviation. If samples of size n are used instead of single obse.....
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Control chart
A graphical device generally used to show the results of small-scale repeated sampling of a manufacturing process. It usually consists of a central horizontal line corresponding to the average value of the quantitative characteristic under investigation, together with upper and lower limits between that a stated proportion of sample statistics shou.....
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Control band
1 - The range between control limits. 2 - See 6192.
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Operating characteristic in quality control, or OC curve in quality control
A curve showing the probability that a lot (or process) level of a quality would be accepted (or said to be in control), assuming the specified sampling plan is in use, plotted against the possible lot or process qualities. This curve is completely analogous to the operating-characteristic curve (or OC curve) for deciding on null hypothesis (See 18.....
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Control, Control section
1- Reach of a stream channel in which there exists a unique discharge-stage relationship. 2- Section of an open conduit or stream where the discharge is uniquely determined by the water level immediately upstream. 3- Physical properties of a channel which determine the relationship between stage and discharge at a location in the channel. .....
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Shifting control, or Unstable control
A natural typical section of an open channel where the stage-discharge relation experiences frequent changes owing to impermanent bed or banks......
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Torrent control
The control and training of torrent rivers.
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Degree of salinity
Percentage of soluble salts in the root zones.
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Flood control reservoir, or Single-purpose flood control reservoir
A reservoir operating on the principle that it will be used for the temporary storage of flood waters for subsequent release as rapidly as channel conditions would permit......
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Flood control storage
Storage capacity provided in a reservoir to absorb or retain flood water in full or part. Water stored during floods is usually released as rapidly as the downstream channel capacities permit......
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Control house
A structure usually built at the top of the shaft and employed as a means of access to the gate chamber. The control house usually shelters the remote control mechanism, a hoist, generator set, ventilating system, heater, gate-height indicator, etc......
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Inlet control, or Inlet structure
A structure built at the upstream end of the outlet conduit of the outlet works and housing the regulating or emergency gates, usually combined with the trash rack structure......
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Controlled spillway, or Gated spillway
A spillway having any type of control, e.g. crest control or crest gate at the crest to control the reservoir water surface......
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Uncontrolled spillway, or Ungated spillway
A spillway the crest of which permits water to discharge, whenever the reservoir surface is higher than the crest.
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Control structure
A stage-discharge regulating device of the spillway. It may be of any form, viz. weir, side channel, glory spillway, orifice, tube, pipe or a channel......
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Normal control structure
A control structure where the water flow is normal to its crest and passes through the structure with no general change in direction either in the form of open channel or shaft or tunnel. The normal control structure is essentially a weir......
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Blocks, Baffle piers, Friction blocks, Control blocks, or Floor blocks
Obstructions set in the path of high velocity water such as piers on the apron of an overflow dam, weir or drop to dissipate energy, prevent scour downstream and also to control the position of a hydraulic jump (illustrated)......
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Crest control devices
This term is used to include those types of controlling devices which raise or lower the effective crest level, thus regulating the volume of flow passing over their top surfaces or edges. These devices, generally make use of the headwater pressure to raise or lower the damming structure and utilize relatively small differences in elevation of head.....
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Paradox control
It is an automatic mechanical follow-up valve that controls water pressure to ensure positive positioning of a needle (closing member). This control is arranged to cause the needle (closing member) to follow the movement of the control device (stand hand wheel) and to automatically maintain the needle (closing member) in the position set by the con.....
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A section or a reach of a conduit where conditions exist that make the water level above it a fairly stable index of discharge. A control may be partial or complete. A complete control is independent of downstream conditions and effective at all stages......
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Mixed water levels control gate
An automatic gate (Neyrpic type) that functions as a downstream constant water level gate if channel flow is normal and transforms its function to that of upstream constant water level gate when the flow is below or in excess of the normal......
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Working width of the lock, or Controlling width of the lock
The narrowest width of a lock at any point in its length.
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Controlled pipe outlet
A pipe outlet with the upstream socket fitted with an angular ring, or plug. The diameter of the hole in the plug is suitable for the discharge required. Adjustment is effected by changing the plug......
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Control flume
An open conduit or artificial channel arranged for measuring the flow of water, generally including a constricted section wherein a critical depth exists......
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Regulation with upstream control
Method of regulation where the flow in a canal (or in a pipeline) at right angles to a gate, is controlled by the level of the water (or pressure) measured by a sensor placed in the immediate upstream of the gate......
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