International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage Commission Interationale des Irrigation et du Drainage

Multilingual Technical Dictionary (MTD)

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Term No.Term Name/Term DescriptionAction
Stream gauging
The process of determining the discharge of water in an open channel, commonly as the product of flow velocity and cross-sectional area.  See also 1169......
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Dilution gauging, Chemihydrometry
Methods of measuring the flow of water by introducing a constant flow of a chemical or radioactive solution of known concentration for a sufficient period of time at one section of the water channel and then by determining the resulting degree of dilution of this solution at another downstream section......
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Salt-dilution gauging
A method for the measurement of flow of water based upon the nearly linear relation between the concentration and the electrical conductivity of a salt solution, which makes it possible to determine the degree of dilution by integrating a conductivity time graph......
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Cloud-velocity gauging, Allen`s method of velocity gauging, Colour-velocity gauging
A method of determining the velocity of a slug of dye between two stations in the channel. This velocity, assumed to be the mean velocity of flow, multiplied by the cross-sectional area of the channel, gives the discharge. `Allen`s method` and `colour-velocity method` are different forms of cloud-velocity gauging......
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Float gauging
Estimation of the average velocity of water in an open channel by timing the rate of movement of weighted floats in order to determine discharge......
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Gauging station
A selected site on a stream equipped and operated to furnish basic data from which systematic records of discharge may be derived......
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Discharge site, Gauging site, or Velocity-area gauging station
A location on a stream where gauge, velocity and cross-sectional areas are measured, or other gauging methods are deployed, in order to determine the discharge......
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Discharge section line, Gauging section, or Metering section
The cross-section in which depths and velocities of water are measured between two points located one on each bank of a channel (illustrated)......
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