International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage Commission Interationale des Irrigation et du Drainage

Multilingual Technical Dictionary (MTD)

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Term No.Term Name/Term DescriptionAction
Primary sample
A sample taken from a population during the preliminary stage of multistage sampling.
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Sample size
The expanse of sampling units which are to be included in the sample.
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1 - A part of a population, or a subset from a set of units, that is provided by some process, usually a deliberate selection with the object of investigating the properties of the parent population or set. 2 - The data or the observations numbers that have been observed......
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Average sample number
The average number of sample units inspected per lot in reaching a decision to accept or reject. It is dependent on the actual quality level of the lot in question......
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Snow sample
A core taken from a snow mantle by means of a snow sampler, from which the depth and density and equivalent water content may be determined......
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Snow sampler
An apparatus for measuring snow depth and density.
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Sediment sample
Determination of physical/chemical characteristics of sediment sample.
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Median size, or Diameter
The particle size of sediment that carries finer particles are 50 per cent by weight obtained graphically by locating the diameter associated with the midpoint of the particle size distribution......
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Particle size distribution
The relative amount of a sediment sample having a specific size, usually in terms of percentage (by weight) finer than a given size......
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Instantaneous sampler
A suspended sediment sampler which instantaneously traps and draws a representative specimen of the water-sediment mixture in a stream at a desired depth and time......
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Effective size of grain
The effective size of a grain of a granular material is the diameter of the grains in an assumed material that has the same coefficient of permeability as the material under consideration and is composed of spherical grains of equal size and arranged in a specified manner......
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Undisturbed sample
A soil sample that has been obtained by methods where every precaution has been taken to minimize disturbance to the sample......
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Nominal diameter or size of a valve
The nominal diameter or thread size of the pipe to which a valve can be connected without intermediate fitting.  If in valve inlet and outlet are not the same size, the diameter of the smaller of the two......
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Particle size distribution
Distribution of equivalent diameters of soil particles; usually expressed in terms of cumulative percentages larger or smaller than each of a series of diameters (sieve openings)......
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Particle size of aggregate
Generally refers to the distribution of size ranges of particles in an aggregate mix, as determined by a standard set of sieves......
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Suspended sediment sampler
A sampler used to collect water samples from a stream for analysis of suspended particle concentration.  May operate automatically......
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Composite water sample
A mixture of two or more sub‑samples in appropriate known proportions from which the average result of a desired characteristics may be obtained. The proportions are usually based on time or flow measurements......
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Flood magnitude, or Flood size
The total volume of water discharged or the maximum rate of flow during a flood event.
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Bottle silt sampler
A kind of silt sampler used for collection of suspended silt load in a stream. It consists of a frame suspended from a pipe, holding a one-litre bottle fitted with a rubber stopper that is operated by a lever at the top of the suspension pipe......
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Bed material sampler
An instrument or apparatus to sample the bed material of a stream, reservoir or lake.
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Point integrating sediment sampler
A device to take a sample of suspended sediment in a stream. The sampler is lowered to a given level below the stream surface, the pressure inside and outside the sampler is equalized to prevent a sudden inrush. The sample is taken over a period of time , after which the sampler is closed and raised to the surface so that the sample can be removed......
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Depth integrating sediment sampler
A device to take a sample of suspended sediment in a stream. It is lowered from the stream surface to the bed and raised to the surface again at a constant rate. The sample of sediment-laden water is continuously drawn in to obtain a composite sample that is integrated over the depth of the stream......
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Bed load sampler
An instrument or piece of equipment that allows samples of bed load sediments to be removed from alluvial channels, for determination of particle size distribution, particle composition, transport rate or other......
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Silt sampler
An apparatus for taking samples of silt  as bed load or suspended load, in flowing water.
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