Term No. | Term Name/Term Description | Action |
17 |
Multistage sampling | A type of sampling when the sample is selected by stages, the sampling units at each stage being sub-sampled from the larger units chosen at the previous stage...... | | Similar Terms |
34 |
Sampling distribution | The distribution of a statistic (or set of statistics) in all possible samples chosen according to a specified sampling scheme...... | | Similar Terms |
35 |
Sampling error | That part of the difference between a population value and an estimate thereof, derived from a random sample, due to fact that only a sample of value is observed; as distinct from errors due to imperfect selection, bias in response or estimation, errors of observation and recording, etc. The totality of sampling errors in all possible samples of th..... | | Similar Terms |
68 |
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95 |
Frequency distribution | 1 - An arrangement or distribution of quantities pertaining to a single element in the order of their magnitude. 2 - A specification of the way in which the frequencies of members of a population are distributed according to the values of the variates which they exhibit...... | | Similar Terms |
97 |
Percentage distribution | A frequency distribution with the total frequency equated to 100 and the individual class frequencies in proportion to that figure...... | | Similar Terms |
123 |
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133 |
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142 |
Stratified sampling | A method of sampling whereby the population is divided into groups, according to some relevant characteristic, and a simple random sample is taken from each group...... | | Similar Terms |
145 |
Asymmetrical distribution | A distribution that is not symmetrical, or it has no central value a such that f(x - a) = f(a - x), f(x) being the frequency function. See `symmetrical distribution`. See 174...... | | Similar Terms |
146 |
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147 |
Binomial distribution | A distribution following the binomial law in which the observations are classified simply as having or lacking a certain characteristic. If an event has probability p of occurrences at any one trial, the probability of r occurrences in n independent trials is C(r,n) = prqn-r , where q = 1 - p...... | | Similar Terms |
148 |
Chi-squared distribution | If x1, x2, ... xv are a sample of v independent normally distributed random variables, each with zero mean and unit variance, the random variable x² = x1² + x2² + ------ + xv² gives the chi-square distribution with v degrees of freedom...... | | Similar Terms |
149 |
Distribution, free test | A test when the distribution function of the test statistic does not depend on the form of the distribution function of the observations. Note - If the hypothesis does not explicitly make an assertion about a parameter, the test is sometimes non-parametric. Example : Test of the null hypothesis that the observations of a given series are independen..... | | Similar Terms |
150 |
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151 |
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152 |
Distribution, hypergeometric | A distribution of a discrete variate generally associated with sampling from a finite population without replacement. The frequency of r `successes` [and n - r `failures`] in a sample of n so drawn from a population of N in which there are Np `successes` and Nq `failures` (p +q =1) is : ..... | | Similar Terms |
153 |
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154 |
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155 |
F-Distribution | The distribution of the ratio F of two independent quantities, each being distributed like a variance in normal samples. | | Similar Terms |
156 |
Gamma distribution | The probability distribution of a continuous random variable x that can take any value from 0 to + ¥ with the probability density : ..... | | Similar Terms |
157 |
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158 |
Laplace-Gauss standardized distribution | The probability distribution of a pair of standardized normal variates. For a pair of normal variates (X, Y ) of parameters (mx , my) and (sx and sy) the corresponding standardized variates are ..... | | Similar Terms |
159 |
Normal distribution | A variate is said to be normally distributed when it takes all values from -∞ to +∞, with frequencies given by a definite mathematical law, namely that the logarithm of the frequency at any distance d from the centre of the distribution is less than the logarithm of the frequency at the centre by a quantity proportional to d2. The conti..... | | Similar Terms |
160 |
Rectangular distribution | The probability distribution of a continuous variate for which the probability density function is constant within a finite interval and zero outside this interval...... | | Similar Terms |