Term No. | Term Name/Term Description | Action |
1370 |
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1531 |
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1579 |
Sandy river | River whose substratum consists of relatively smaller grains (with diameters less than 2mm) in a generally less wider granulometric study...... | | Similar Terms |
1657 |
Sand | 1 - A soil particle between 0.05 and 2.0 mm. in diameter. 2 - Any one of the five separates, namely very coarse sand, coarse sand, medium sand, etc. 3 - See 5149 and 7638...... | | Similar Terms |
2619 |
Quick condition (quicksand) | Condition when the water is flowing upward with sufficient velocity thus significantly reducing the bearing capacity of the soil by way of a decrease in intergranular pressure...... | | Similar Terms |
3104 |
Equivalent sand-grain diameter | The diameter of the sand-grain that, when used as a coating to the internal surface of a pipe, would give the same value of friction factor as the actual pipe...... | | Similar Terms |
3203 |
Sand core | Sand-filled depth in a bank to inhibit animals from burrowing. | | Similar Terms |
3251 |
Sandwich brick tile lining | Lining consisting of a layer of plaster on the subgrade and two layers of tiles with an impervious layer of cement mortar sandwiched in between...... | | Similar Terms |
3261 |
Sand asphalt | A mix of sand and bitumen or cutback, with or without filler, all in such proportion that the mix can be consolidated after spreading by rolling or tamping...... | | Similar Terms |
3490 |
Sand trap, Sand and gravel trap | A device in a channel for arresting the sand, silt, etc., carried by the water, and generally including means of ejecting them from the system. When the sediment load includes gravel, it is called `sand and gravel trap`...... | | Similar Terms |
3495 |
Sand screens | In Egyptian terminology, silt devices built in the parent channel in front of intake regulators to deflect bottom sediment from entering the offtake channel...... | | Similar Terms |
3496 |
Sloping-sill sand screen | A sand screen with a sloping sill instead of a level one : the slope of the sill being upward in a downstream direction and being approximately equal in magnitude and parallel to the slope of the vortex. The sloping sill of the sand screen neutralizes the hydraulic slope of the centrifugal flow and thus deflects the bottom flow in the parent channe..... | | Similar Terms |
3497 |
Stepped sand screen | The same as sloping-sill sand screen except that the sill, instead of being sloping, is in the form of a stepped weir. | | Similar Terms |
3498 |
Pipes sand trap | A sand trap in the form of several pipes of a rectangular cross section and of dimensions convenient for inspection and clearing, touching one another, laid level with the bottom of the canal, at an angle and their inlets covering all the width of the canal. Upstream of these inlets the bottom of the canal slopes down...... | | Similar Terms |
3500 |
Vortex tube sand trap | A type of sand trap in which a vortex tube is provided at an angle of 45o at the bed across the whole width of a canal. The vortex tube interrupts the flow at the bottom of the canal, and the gravel and sand dropped and collected in it are washed out of the outlet by the strong flow in the tube (illustrated)...... | | Similar Terms |
3501 |
Riffle-deflector sand trap | A type of sand trap consisting of riffles, vortex tube, a middle chamber and a rectangular duct. The riffles, arranged in a series of parabolic lines and extending from either one side or from both sides of the canal towards the middle, divert the bed load towards the middle where it is trapped by the vortex tube which in turn discharges it into th..... | | Similar Terms |
3502 |
Metal vane deflector sand trap | A type of sand trap consisting of rows of curved metal vanes set in the bed of the canal normal to the direction of flow. The bed load accumulates in a ridge downstream of the line of vanes and is washed into the short vortex tubes which discharge into a waste channel (illustrated)...... | | Similar Terms |
3503 |
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3504 |
Dufour sand trap | A type of sand trap in which the sediment-borne water is made to pass through hopper-shaped settling basin or basins having a central channel that leads to a sediment sluicing chamber. The central channel is covered along the entire bottom with inclined distributing sluice openings. The deposited sediment is removed continuously. Named after its Sw..... | | Similar Terms |
3505 |
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3507 |
Büchi sand trap | A type of sand trap in which water from the intake is fed to the settling basins, where the sediments settle down. The surface water passes out of the basin through slitted skimming panel/panels into the offtake channel. The deposited sediment is sluiced periodically. Named after its German designer...... | | Similar Terms |
3508 |
Horizontal grill type sand trap | A type of sand trap in which the water is let into a sediment basin immediately above the weir. The water then passes through horizontal grills fixed into the sediment basin and drops its coarse sediment into it which is sluiced away. De-sedimented water passes over the weir (illustrated)...... | | Similar Terms |
4318 |
Well point, Drive point, or Sand point | The lowest part of a driven well, consisting essentially of a forged steel point, a screen, and a short section of pipe threaded to fit a standard pipe...... | | Similar Terms |
4376 |
Sand pump, Shell pump, or Sludger | A long cylindrical tube fitted with a valve at the bottom and a plunger with a valve or valve-action leathers, and open at the top, used for raising up the mud which accumulates at the bottom of a boring during the sinking process...... | | Similar Terms |
4841 |
Hydrocyclone (sand separator) | Equipment wherein the solid particles of specific gravity greater than 1 are separated from the water by the centrifugal force resulting from a tangential introduction of raw water into the upper cylindrical part. The solid particles are thrown on the wall and come down to the lower conical part from where they can be eliminated in a continuous or ..... | | Similar Terms |