International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage Commission Interationale des Irrigation et du Drainage

Multilingual Technical Dictionary (MTD)

3383. Transition, Hydraulic transition, Curved splayed transition, Curved tapered transition, Straight splayed transition, Straight tapered transition, Cylinder-quadrant transition, Conical frustum transition Conversion, Straight warped transition (illustrated), Curved warped transition, Streamlined transition, Valve transitions, Inlet transition, Approach transition, Entrance transition, Upstream transition, Upper transition, Outlet transition, Departure transition, Exit transition, Downstream transition, Lower transition, Tunnel transition, Supercritical transitions, One-dimensional supercritical transitions, or Two-dimensional supercritical transitions : 1 - A length of conduit or channel wherein the cross-sectional shape is gradually changed from that of the conduit or channel upstream to that of the conduit or channel downstream. The transitions are characterized by adjectives bearing on their length (e.g. short, long, sudden, gradual), geometrical shape of the side walls (e.g. splayed, straight, warped, flared, streamlined), by reference to the adjacent structure (e.g. tunnel, valve, gate, inlet, outlet, tail) or by reference to type of flow in transition length (e.g. subscritical, supercritical, one-dimensional or two-dimensional supercritical flow). Also sometimes referred to as `conversion`. 2 - See 3035.
SEE: Transition,

Compare with :French, Hindi, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Base Language : English
Available languages :French, Hindi, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Base Language : English

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