Term No. | Term Name/Term Description | Action |
1624 |
A horizon | A mineral horizon formed or forming at or adjacent to the surface that shows: a) an accumulation of organic matter intimately associated with the mineral fraction, or b) a morphology acquired by soil formation but lacking the properties of E and B horizons...... | | Similar Terms |
6131 |
A-Frame | An open structure tapering from a wide base to a load-bearing top. | | Similar Terms |
8096 |
A/D Converter | Device used to covert an analog input signal to a digital output form that can be understood by a computer. | | Similar Terms |
7162 |
Abatement | A reduction in the degree or intensity of pollution. | | Similar Terms |
135 |
| Similar Terms |
6608 |
Abiocoen | All the non-living components of the environment. | | Similar Terms |
6849 |
Abioseston | The non‑living components of the seston. | | Similar Terms |
6609 |
Abiotic | Referring to the non-living components of the environment. | | Similar Terms |
6804 |
| Similar Terms |
751 |
Ablation | The combined processes (such as sublimation, melting,or calving) which remove snow or ice from the surface of a glacier or snowfield. ..... | | Similar Terms |
1 |
Abnormal | 1 - Not normal. The term is used without any quantitative meaning, its use depends on judgement of the past records of similar occurrences. 2 - Above or below the normal value of an element, regardless of the degree of deviation.
..... | | Similar Terms |
1374 |
Abnormal scour | Scour caused by deflected on-flowing currents, as by the river running tangentially forming an eddy when leaving the curve of the protection structure...... | | Similar Terms |
1409 |
Abrasion | 1 - Mutual rubbing of particles of sediment in flowing water as well as in the channel bed as a result of which these particles tend to decrease in size. Note - Sorting occurs with a change of the sediment carrying capacity of the stream. Whenever the tractive force of a stream decreases due to any reason, the coarser particles of sediment normally..... | | Similar Terms |
6427 |
Abrasion | 1 - A wearing away process, as of ice or snow by melting, or of land by the action of running surface water. 2 - See 1409...... | | Similar Terms |
5959 |
| Similar Terms |
2571 |
Abridged trial load method, or Simplified trial load method | Used for arch dam preliminary design work by using tables and curves for determining deflections of arches. Modified assumptions are made with regard to the foundation in this analysis which neglect (i) differences in elasticity of rock and concrete, (ii) the angle that the plane of the abutment makes with a vertical plane and (iii) certain seconda..... | | Similar Terms |
3 |
Absolute | 1 - Absolute value, i.e. the actual magnitude regardless of its sign. 2 - Independent of any arbitrary standard and determined only by the fundamental units of mass, length and time, e.g. absolute humidity. 3 - In climatology, the extreme highest and lowest values of any event which occur during a particular period at the place of observation...... | | Similar Terms |
4260 |
Absolute artesian well | An artesian well which is isolated by sealing from a permeable layer, if it happens to traverse it, overlying the upper confining bed of the artesian groundwater...... | | Similar Terms |
3041 |
| Similar Terms |
1122 |
Absorbed water | Water held on the surface of individual soil particles by the force of molecular attraction with emission of heat (heat of wetting)...... | | Similar Terms |
4146 |
| Similar Terms |
3999 |
Absorption | An act or process of absorbing water by sub-soil in the perimeter of the canals/streams.(See 1939). | | Similar Terms |
1939 |
Absorption | The upward passage, by osmosis, of inorganic salts in solution from soil water to the root hairs. | | Similar Terms |
1961 |
Absorption coefficient | Represents the volume of gas, reduced to standard conditions (0oC and 760 mm pressure), dissolved in one volume of liquid when the pressure of the gas (without the vapour pressure of the liquid) is 760 mm...... | | Similar Terms |
870 |
Absorption loss | Seepage into the bed of a canal that occurs shortly after water is turned into the dry canal (as the canal is being primed). (See 4000). ..... | | Similar Terms |