International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage Commission Interationale des Irrigation et du Drainage

Multilingual Technical Dictionary (MTD)

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Term No.Term Name/Term DescriptionAction
Multistage sampling
A type of sampling when the sample is selected by stages, the sampling units at each stage being sub-sampled from the larger units chosen at the previous stage......
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Flood stage
The elevation of the water surface fixed by local usage above which the stream is considered to be in flood.
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Bankfull, or Bankfull stage
The stage attained by a stream when flowing at a capacity above which the natural banks overflow.
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Pendular stage, Funicular stage, Capillary stage
Term suggested by Versluys who distinguished three stages in the zone of aeration: the pendular stage, the funicular stage and the capillary stage. In the first, the water particles surround the points of contact of the solid particles, forming separate rings. In the second, these water rings fit together and, in the third, they will fill the capil.....
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Highest stage of the water table, or Phreatic height
At a given place and for a given cycle of fluctuation, it is the highest elevation reached by the water table.
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Phreatic low, or Lowest stage of the water table
The lowest level reached by the water table at a given place and for a given cycle of fluctuation.
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Stage-discharge relation, Rating curve (coll.), Discharge rating curve, or Station rating curve
The relation between the discharge and its corresponding stage at a given  stream cross-section.  It may be expressed graphically, as a table or as an equation......
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Water-stage recorder, or Water-level recorder
An instrument that produces a digital or graphic record of the rise and fall of the water surface with respect to time.
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Liquid-level recorder, or Stage recorder
A device that records automatically the liquid level by its connection to a float-gauge, or to some other sensor of liquid levels. When the liquid is water, it is called `Water-level (stage) recorder`......
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River stage
The height of water surface in a river above some arbitrary datum.
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Bed building stage of river, or Mean water stage of river
The river stage corresponding to the maximum of the sediment runoff curve.
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Peak stage (reservoir)
Stage reached in a reservoir during floods when after the peak flood inflow the rate of inflow lowers down to a figure that is equal to or less than the rate of outflow......
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Stage grouting, or Successive grouting
The process of grouting including drilling holes upto a limited depth or the intersection with an open seam and grouting to that depth and cleaning the holes after the grout has taken its initial set before drilling and grouting the next stage. This process is repeated using higher pressures for each succeeding stage until the final depth is reache.....
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Upstage grouting
Grouting consisting of drilling hole to its final depth and grouting the lowest “high-pressure” zone by extending the grout pipe to the top of this zone. A flexible seal or packer between the end of the grout pipe and the wall of the hole prevents the grout from rising. After grouting of this zone the grout pipe is raised so that the seal is at.....
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Tailwater rating curve, or Downstream stage discharge curve
A curve showing relationship between the discharge and the corresponding tailwater stage.
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Elevation of a water surface above any chosen plane, often above an established low water plane; gauge height.
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Stage-damage curve
A relationship between extent of damage corresponding a flood-water-level and the water level.
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Single-stage pump
A centrifugal pump with but one impeller.
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Multi-stage pump
A centrifugal pump with two or more set of vanes, or impellers, connected in series in the same casing. Such a pump may be designed as two-stage, three-stage, etc., according to the number of sets of vanes used......
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Crop development stage
A period during the development of a given crop, determined by such factors as growth or water use characteristics, and specified by length of period or beginning and ending dates. Examples might be emergence, rapid growth, fruiting, maturation, etc......
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Initial development stage
For a given crop, the time during germination or early growth when groundcover is less than 10 percent.
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Midseason stage
For a given crop the time between effective full ground cover and the onset of maturity (i.e.when leaves start to discolour or fall off)......
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Pioneer stage
First stage of an ecological succession.
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Bankful, or Bankful stage
1 - The stage (water level) at which the floodwater in a certain reach of the river starts to flow over the natural levees or manmade embankments and the overspill of water into a floodplain or polder starts. 2 - The stage or gauge height attained by a river or stream when flowing at capacity above which banks are overflowed. 3 - An established riv.....
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Basic-stage flood, or Floods above a base
An arbitrary selected rate of flow of a stream used as the lower limit or base for selecting floods for analysis, sometimes taken as the minimum annual flood......
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