Term No. | Term Name/Term Description | Action |
951 |
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1001 |
Fixed groundwater | Water held in saturated material with interstices so small that it is permanently attached to the pore walls or moves so slowly that it is usually not available as a source of water for pumping...... | | Similar Terms |
1237 |
Submerged weir, or Drowned weir | A weir for which the water level on the downstream side at an elevation equal to, or higher than, the weir crest; the rate of discharge is affected by the tail water...... | | Similar Terms |
1283 |
Closed lake | A lake that does not have a drainage outlet. | | Similar Terms |
1355 |
Diversion dam | A barrier built across a stream to divert all or some of the water. | | Similar Terms |
1563 |
Crib, Crib dam, Pigsty work, Pigstying | A type of construction consisting of pieces of timber fixed together to form bays or cells which are filled with stone or other suitable material. May be of various shapes. Used for dams, groynes, bank protection, etc.; sometimes called `pigsty work` or `pigstying`, though the latter is also used for timber work similar to cribwork but without the ..... | | Similar Terms |
2207 |
Headworks, Diversion work, or Diversion structure | 1 - A term used collectively for all works, principal structures and equipment (weirs, barrages, dams including diversion dams, head regulators, river training works intakes in rivers, pumping station and /or appurtenant) used for storing or extracting water resources, and /or transferring water, to control river flows and diverting water and contr..... | | Similar Terms |
2208 |
Diversion ratio | The ratio between the total flow diverted from the river/stream at the given work, and the total flow of the river/stream before diversion. It is an index that expresses the effective function of the diversion structure...... | | Similar Terms |
2245 |
Weir | 1 - A low dam or wall across a stream to raise the upstream level (illustrated). Termed `fixed-crest weir` or `ungated weir` when uncontrolled. 2 - A structure built across a stream or channel for the purpose of measuring flow. Sometimes described as `measuring weir` or `gauging weir`. Types of measuring weir include `broad crested`, `sharp crested..... | | Similar Terms |
2247 |
Diversion weir | A low dam or wall across a stream for the purpose of diverting part or all the water from a stream into a canal. | | Similar Terms |
2248 |
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2249 |
Open weir, or Open diversion dam | A diversion weir across a river to produce least obstruction to the flow. It comprises undersluices and several other bays having falling shutters fitted on a permanent structure...... | | Similar Terms |
2251 |
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2252 |
Subsidiary weir | A structure constructed downstream of the main weir or on the apron to increase the tail water level to ensure formation of a hydraulic jump whenever the tail water level is lower than required for hydraulic jump formation...... | | Similar Terms |
2253 |
Siphon weir | A weir operating on the siphon principle. The siphonic arrangement is usually fitted in gravity weirs. | | Similar Terms |
2255 |
Fixed buttress weir, Ambursen dam or Ambursen weir | A fixed dam consisting of water-supporting upstream face supported by buttresses which are equally spaced walls or struts proportioned to transmit the water load and the weight of the structure, to the foundations. Note - It is classified as open or closed Ambursen weir according to the absence or provision of downstream face slab.(originated by Sw..... | | Similar Terms |
2256 |
Impermeable weir | A weir made up of impermeable material, such as rock, stone, brick masonry, concrete, steel, or timber. It can be of a fixed or movable type...... | | Similar Terms |
2257 |
Impermeable fixed weir, or Solid fixed weir | A fixed weir whose water bearing surfaces are of watertight construction. It may be built with timber, masonry, concrete (plain or reinforced), steel, or combinations thereof...... | | Similar Terms |
2258 |
Timber weir | A fixed weir where timber baulks, timber piling or timber surfaces primarily make the body of the weir watertight. | | Similar Terms |
2259 |
Piles weir | A semi-permeable weir when the desired water level raising is effected by driving piles. | | Similar Terms |
2260 |
Gravity weir, or Masonry weir | A watertight weir made of stone or brick masonry or of concrete, depending solely on its weight for stability. It may be of overall or slope-weir type...... | | Similar Terms |
2261 |
Slope weir | A weir with sloping surfaces extending from the crest, so that the water remains in contact with the weir surface all the way down and is guided by it as per design...... | | Similar Terms |
2263 |
Solid slope masonry weir | An impermeable-slope weir made up of rock, stone, brick masonry or concrete. It may or may not have falling shutters for headwater control...... | | Similar Terms |
2264 |
Permeable weir | A weir made of loose and permeable construction, such as loose rock, stones, timber, brushwood, or crib. | | Similar Terms |
2265 |
Rockfill weir | A permeable weir, whose body is formed by loose stones or boulders laid between intervening masonry walls or piles upto the top surface of the weir. It can be constructed without any wall of concrete or masonry...... | | Similar Terms |