International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage Commission Interationale des Irrigation et du Drainage

Multilingual Technical Dictionary (MTD)

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Term No.Term Name/Term DescriptionAction
Correlation diagram, or Scatter diagram
The graphical representation presenting a bivariate frequency distribution when both variables are quantitative.
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Analysis of variance
A separation into components associated with defined sources of variation, of the total variation displayed by a set of observations, as measured by the sums of squares of deviations from the mean......
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Correlation analysis
The statistical methods to test the closeness with which two (or more) phenomena co-vary.
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Correlation coefficient
A measure of the interdependence between two variates. It is usually a pure number which varies between -1 and +1 with the intermediate value zero indicating the absence of correlation, but not necessarily the independence of the variates. Usually denoted by the symbol r......
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Correlation table
The frequency table of a bivariate distribution.
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Multiple correlation
The relationship between several sets of data, or several quantities, one of whom is a dependent variate and the others are independent variables, as determined by statistical techniques and expressed as an equation. For example, the effect on flood season runoff, a dependent variate, of such independent variables as antecedent rainfall, groundwate.....
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Coefficient of multiple correlation
The product-moment correlation between the actual values of the dependent variate in multiple regression and the values as given by the regression equation. It measures the closeness of the combined association between a number of independent variables and the dependent variate. The coefficient is usually denoted by R but is regarded essentially, n.....
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Partial correlation
The correlation between two variates in a conditional distribution when one or more other variables are held fixed. Specifically, the product-moment correlation coefficient in the conditional distribution......
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The internal correlation between members of series of observations ordered in time or space.
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Serial correlation
The correlation between members of a time series (or space series) and the members lagging behind, or leading, by a fixed distance in time (or space). The deviations of time series observations from their population means are dependent upon one another. Serial correlation refers to correlation among values of dependent variates other than the corre.....
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Lag correlation
The correlation between two series when one of the series has a lag with reference to the other.
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1. Statistical relation between the magnitude of an event in a time series at a certain time and of the magnitude and the event at certain period earlier. 2. Statistical relation between the magnitude of an event at a certain location and the magnitude of the event at some other location......
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Risk analysis
Qualification of the various sources of uncertainty in risk prediction and comparison of relative risk.
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Mechanical analysis, or Physical analysis
The process of separating a soil by mechanical means into various sized particle groups according to an effective diameter......
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Sedimentation analysis
Separation of particles depending on the rate of settling in a fluid.
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Gravity method (two-dimensional method of analysis)
A method for stress analysis of gravity dams assuming the structure of the dam to be composed of vertical cantilever elements that act independently of each other while the vertical stress varies linearly......
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Cracked cantilever analysis
In thin arch dams the applied radial loads tend to produce tension in the cantilevers. Since ordinary concrete is usually not assumed to have a tensile strength more than a specified value (say, 20 kg/cm2) and when this specified value of stress is exceeded all the cantilevers in tension may be assumed to be cracked to the point of zero stress so t.....
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Vulnerability analysis
A method for determining the degree to which land uses/activities are prone to flooding disruption.
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Environmental analysis
The means to determine whether an action under consideration will have a significant effect on the environment. Evaluation of the short- and long‑term, primary and secondary environmental effects of an action......
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Environmental impact analysis
A more‑or‑less formal consideration of the interaction of a proposed human activity with environmental elements that might be affected by the activity. Includes a determination of the probable effect of the activity on social and economic conditions.  Assessment of impact generally involves two major elements ‑ a quantitative measure of magni.....
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Hazard analysis
Identification, studies and monitoring of any hazard to determine its potential, origin, characteristics and behaviour.
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Risk assessment/analysis
A methodology to determine the nature and extent of risk by analysing potential hazards and evaluating existing conditions of vulnerability that could pose a potential threat or harm to people, property, livelihoods and the environment on which they depend. .....
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Flood frequency analysis
The estimation of the frequency of occurrence of floods at a site. Flood frequency analysis generally consists of attempting to fit a probability distribution to flood discharge data and generalise the results for use at sites with no flood data. Many techniques have been proposed and are in use......
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Dam break analysis
The analysis of the flood flows resulting from postulated conditions of partial or total failure of a water storage dam. Such analyses are particularly important where a significant population would be put at risk by such a failure, and would define conditions for flood warning criteria, as well as for safety factor requirements in dam design or st.....
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Systems analysis, Operational analysis, System engineering, Mathematical modeling, Management science
A specialized application of methods and concepts of mathematics, logic, engineering and other social, economic, and physical sciences to determine what must be accomplished and the best method of accomplishing it......
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