International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage Commission Interationale des Irrigation et du Drainage

Multilingual Technical Dictionary (MTD)

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Term No.Term Name/Term DescriptionAction
Energy, Work, Quanitity of heat
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Crib, Crib dam, Pigsty work, Pigstying
A type of construction consisting of pieces of timber fixed together to form bays or cells which are filled with stone or other suitable material. May be of various shapes. Used for dams, groynes, bank protection, etc.; sometimes called `pigsty work` or `pigstying`, though the latter is also used for timber work similar to cribwork but without the .....
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Headworks, Diversion work, or Diversion structure
1 - A term used collectively for all works, principal structures and equipment (weirs, barrages, dams including diversion dams, head regulators, river training works intakes in rivers, pumping station and /or appurtenant) used for storing or extracting water resources, and /or transferring water, to control river flows and diverting water and contr.....
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Closed weir, Overflow diversion dam, Fixed crest weir, Blind weir, or Ungated weir
A low dam built as a complete obstruction across the river so that the entire stream flow can pass over it. It may or may not be fitted with crest gates; when not fitted with crest gates, it is also called `fixed crest weir`, or `blind weir`, or `ungated weir`......
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Crib weir
A permeable weir formed by timber cribs. Cribs are constructed of round timbers in a block-house like fashion, sometimes with transverse walls. The timbers are joined together at their intersection with clamps, nails, or bolts. The cribs are filled with gravel and stones......
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Gravity dam, Solid gravity dam, Curved gravity dam, or Gravity arch dam
It is customary to confine the term `gravity dam` to solid masonry or concrete dams that resist their imposed loading by the weight of the structures themselves. However, if the dam is sufficiently curved upstream in plan for its entire length, a portion of the imposed loading may be borne by arch action such dams are called `gravity arch dams`......
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Flat slab buttress dam, Flat deck dam, Deck dam, Slab and buttress dam, ,Fixed slab buttress dam, Fixed deck dam, Free deck dam, or Cantilever buttress dam
A dam usually of reinforced concrete consisting essentially of slabs supported by transverse buttresses. The load is taken by the slabs and transferred to the foundations through the buttresses. The slab may be (i) integrally cast with the buttresses, (ii) freely supported at the buttresses, or (iii) cantilevered from the buttresses. The dams are a.....
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Deckless buttress dam, Massive head buttress dam
A type of buttress dam when the face slab is replaced by flaring the upstream edges of the buttresses to span the distance between buttress walls. The flaring portion of the buttress (head) may be of various geometrical shapes, viz. (i) massive head, (ii) round head or mushroom head, (iii) diamond head. The buttress dams comprising types of head cl.....
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Arch dam, Arched dam, or Massive arch dam
An arch dam is a solid concrete or masonry dam curved upstream in plan whereby, in addition to the resisting a part of the pressure of the reservoir by its own weight, it is not only able to resist the reservoir pressure due to own weight but also acquire a large measure of stability by virtue of transmission of the part of water pressure or load b.....
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Constant radius arch dam, Constant centre arch dam, or Constant centre dam
An arch dam when the centre of its upstream and downstream faces and the centre line are coincident with the axis centre at all elevations (illustrated)......
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Variable radius arch dam, or Variable centre dam
A type of an arch dam when neither the radius nor the central angle is constant. This dam is a compromise between the constant radius and the constant angle arch dams (illustrated)......
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Earth dam, or Embankment dam
A barrier made of earth, clay, sand or sand and gravel, or a combination of these or of the earth and rock.
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Rolled-fill dam, or Rolled-earthfill dam
An earthfill dam which is constructed in successive and mechanically compacted layers.
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Composite earth dam, Multiple-zoned earth dam, or Zoned earth dam
A rolled-fill dam consisting essentially of an inner or enclosed impervious section supported by two or more outer sections of a relatively pervious material......
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Composite type rockfill dam, or Earth-and-rockfill dam
A type of rockfill dam consisting of watertight earthfill on the upstream side and rockfill on the downstream side.
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Overflow dam, or Overfall dam
A dam designed to allow flow of water over its crest.
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Solid dam, or Blind dam
A dam or a part of it that does not have sluice openings.
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Limpet dam, or Leech dam
A small open caisson designed to fit against a dockwall that requires repairs. It is lowered into the water by a crane and then water is pumped out to provide access for repair work......
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Length of dam, or Crest length
1 - The length of a barrier constructed to obstruct the flow of water, measured along the axis at the top of the body of this barrier alongwith its integral features excluding the abutments or an abutment spillway. In case the spillway is located wholly within the dam and not at a place specially excavated, it would be - the length along the axis e.....
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Structural height of dam, or Maximum height of dam
Distance between the lowest point in the foundation and top of the dam. The structural height of an earth dam is the vertical distance between the top of the embankment and the lowest point in the excavated foundation area including the main cutoff trench if any, but excluding small trenches or narrow backfilled areas of less than 10 metres width. .....
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Dam axis, Axis of dam, or Axis
1 - In case of gravity, buttress and arch dams it is the horizontal trace of the upstream edge of the top of the structural zone or top arch. 2 - In case of earth and rockfill dams, it is the horizontal trace through the centre of the top width......
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Top of the dam, or Crest level of the dam
In masonry or concrete dams it is the level of the crown of the roadway if any, or the level of the walkway if there is no roadway. In case of earth dams it is the level of the top of the embankment......
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Cross-drainage work, or Drainage crossing
A structure carrying the discharge of a drainage channel or a natural stream across a canal intercepting the channel or stream......
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Temporary check dam, or Bag check
A strong piece of canvas or plastic used for obstructing the flow of water in a ditch for the purpose of taking out the water into another ditch or field......
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Steining, Cribbing, or Liner
1 - The lining of a dug well; also called `cribbing` or `liner`. 2 - The process of constructing the lining.
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