Term No. | Term Name/Term Description | Action |
5190 |
Dead furrow | 1 - A double furrow left in the middle of the field or between two lands in ploughing (illustrated). 2 - In the bedding system of surface drainage, dead furrows are the linear depressions separating low narrow parallel ridges formed by ploughing. The dead furrows are of a flat V-shape and they discharge water into a field drain, constructed at the ..... | | Similar Terms |
1556 |
Dead man, or Deadman | A log or baulk of timber buried in the ground to provide an anchorage for a cable, placed at right angles to the direction of pull on the cable...... | | Similar Terms |
2116 |
| Similar Terms |
2394 |
Dead storage capacity, or Dead storage | The storage volume of a reservoir measured below the invert level of the lowest outlet or the minimum operating level. It is also termed Inactive storage...... | | Similar Terms |
2415 |
Dead storage level | Level of a reservoir corresponding to the lowest outflow level beyond which the water of the reservoir can not be let off...... | | Similar Terms |
6194 |
Dead time | 1 - Any definite delay deliberately placed between two related actions in order to avoid overlap that might cause confusion or to permit a particular different event to take place. 2 - The delay between two related actions, measured in units of time...... | | Similar Terms |
1157 |
Dead water | Water that is not flowing with a significant velocity. | | Similar Terms |
6100 |
Deadheading | Travelling without load, except from the dumping area to the loading point. | | Similar Terms |
5732 |
Dealwood | A term loosely used to denote light timbers used for packing cases, crates and similar work. | | Similar Terms |
6405 |
Debris avalanche | The sudden downslope movement of the soil mantle on steep slopes often occurring when the flank of a mountain or volcano collapses and slides downslope. Occurs under unsaturated soil conditions, as opposed to lahars, which are water saturated mass flows...... | | Similar Terms |
1463 |
Debris cone, or Detrital cone | A fan-shaped deposit of soil, sand, gravel and boulders built up where a river emerges from highlands into a valley, or where its velocity is reduced sufficiently to cause such deposits...... | | Similar Terms |
8446 |
Debugging | The process of isolating and correcting all malfunctions and or mistakes in a piece of equipment or a programme of operations...... | | Similar Terms |
392 |
Deca | img:equations//383_402_e.jpg | | Similar Terms |
2167 |
Decalcification | Removal of calcium carbonate from the soil by leaching. Technically, replacement of monovalent metallic ions, such as sodium, by hydrogen ions...... | | Similar Terms |
2421 |
Decant | To remove or draw water from a reservoir without disturbing the sediment or lower liquid levels. | | Similar Terms |
4858 |
Decantation | Method of removing sediment from water by markedly reducing the flow velocity, as in a settling tank, so that sediments can settle, by gravity, to bottom. ..... | | Similar Terms |
7158 |
Decay rate | The rate or reduction of the concentration of a quantity. Some decay rates are not linear, but may be expressed in terms of “half‑life”. ..... | | Similar Terms |
5740 |
| Similar Terms |
8861 |
Decentralisation | A general term for a transfer of authority and/or responsibility for performing a function from the top management of an organisation or the central governance level of an institution to lower level units or the private sector. ..... | | Similar Terms |
7323 |
Dechlorination | The partial or complete reduction of residual chlorine in a liquid by any chemical or physical process. | | Similar Terms |
393 |
Deci | img:equations//383_402_e.jpg | | Similar Terms |
6885 |
Deciduous | Falling off at one end of a growing period (season) or at maturity as with some leaves, antlers, insect wings, etc. Especially, trees that shed their leaves,, as distinguished from evergreens, which commonly do not shed their leaves annually...... | | Similar Terms |
125 |
Decile | A positional measure comprising one of the nine variate values that divide the total frequency into ten equal parts. | | Similar Terms |
8615 |
Decision analysis | 1 - Analysis focused on the problem of making a single decision. 2 - See 8830. | | Similar Terms |
8830 |
Decision analysis | 1 - A process of systematic evaluation of alternative solutions to a problem where the decision is made under uncertainty. 2 - See 8615...... | | Similar Terms |