Term No. | Term Name/Term Description | Action |
3205 |
Boundary bank | The bank constructed out of the excavated material of the boundary trench and the outer toe that marks the limit of right-of-way easement (illustrated)...... | | Similar Terms |
3487 |
Floating guide bank system, or Stream directing system | A sediment or silt exclusion device placed in the river in front of the entrance of a canal, comprising separate sections, in one arrangement, hinged together each with four partially submerged gates connected at their top by an overhead truss at an inclination to the river current. The gates divert the surface water towards the canal and the botto..... | | Similar Terms |
3576 |
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3747 |
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3748 |
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5291 |
Bank protection | 1 - The process by which a stream bank is protected from erosion by lining or by retarding the velocity along the bank. 2 - See 1533 and 7986...... | | Similar Terms |
5292 |
Bank strengthening | A general term that includes, widening, raising and straightening of banks of a channel; and may include forming of banks of a new channel passing through low ground by using silting tanks...... | | Similar Terms |
5304 |
Contour bank | Earth bank constructed along the contour of equal natural surface elevation to hold water or slow down the flow of water...... | | Similar Terms |
5309 |
Dangerous bank | A bank showing signs of slipping due to saturation, or that has been unduly cut and damaged by weathering, cattle, etc. | | Similar Terms |
5316 |
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5365 |
Spoil bank | A bank composed of waste earth that has been excavated. | | Similar Terms |
5869 |
Sand bank, Sand bank method | A covering of sand around and above structures built in the diversion channel to absorb most of the shock from the blast of the solid bulkheads and to prevent destructive cracking or displacement of the structure...... | | Similar Terms |
6107 |
Bank measure | Measurement of soil or rock based on the quantity of material in place on the cut. | | Similar Terms |
6436 |
Stream erosion, Stream-bank erosion | The scouring of material from the sides and bed of a water channel and the cutting of the banks by running water. The cutting of the banks is also known as `stream-bank erosion`...... | | Similar Terms |
6438 |
Slip-off slope bank | The bank of a meandering stream that is not eroded by stream action, and which may be built up gradually. | | Similar Terms |
6439 |
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6473 |
Bank slip | The detachment of slices of bank-forming material from the sides of ditches or streams by the process of erosion and the influence of gravity...... | | Similar Terms |
6476 |
Dike embankment | An embankment of earth for restraining the waters of a river. | | Similar Terms |
7840 |
Bank Storage | Water absorbed and stored in the soil cover of the bed and banks of a watercourse which is returned to the watercourse in whole or in part as the water level falls...... | | Similar Terms |
7895 |
Bankful, or Bankful stage | 1 - The stage (water level) at which the floodwater in a certain reach of the river starts to flow over the natural levees or manmade embankments and the overspill of water into a floodplain or polder starts. 2 - The stage or gauge height attained by a river or stream when flowing at capacity above which banks are overflowed. 3 - An established riv..... | | Similar Terms |
7896 |
Bank overspill | Volume of water which has spilled from a river into adjacent floodplains or polders. | | Similar Terms |
7986 |
Bank protection | 1 - Any action to prevent or control erosion of streambanks; may include placement of riprap, revetment, brushwood, reed, concrete, or other material. 2 - See also 1533...... | | Similar Terms |
7987 |
Bank protection structures | They are used to cover the point of protection in the bank which has been previously sloped and shaped to a desired alignment. They are generally of five types used for this purpose : blanket revetments, pervious revetments, pervious fences, head revetments and groins...... | | Similar Terms |
7988 |
Bank sluice | An opening controlled by shutters or gates in marginal bund which are opened during high floods. | | Similar Terms |
7998 |
Bank | The margins or sides of a river. Banks are called right or left as viewed facing in the direction of the flow. | | Similar Terms |