Term No. | Term Name/Term Description | Action |
1142 |
Unconsolidated aquifer | An aquifer comprised mainly of gravels or other porous materials that may not be structurally stable when penetrated by a well bore...... | | Similar Terms |
1262 |
Inundate | To cover with impounded waters or floodwaters. | | Similar Terms |
1992 |
Inundated low land | Low land covered with or subject to overflows of water, such as from floods or tides. | | Similar Terms |
2657 |
Consolidated drained test, or Slow test | A soil test when essentially complete consolidation under the confining pressure is followed by applying an additional axial (or shearing) stress in a manner that even a fully saturated soil of low permeability can adapt itself completely (fully consolidate) to the changes in stress due to the additional axial (or shearing) stress...... | | Similar Terms |
2658 |
| Similar Terms |
2659 |
Unconsolidated undrained test, or Quick test | A soil test when the time is not allowed for consolidation and the water content of the test specimen remains practically unchanged during the application of the confining pressure and the additional axial (or shearing) force...... | | Similar Terms |
4426 |
Completion tests | A test run on the pumping installation after the permanent pump is installed to show the discharge per minute, the depth of water while pumping, and the revolutions per minute of the pump at which the pumping plant is intended to operate...... | | Similar Terms |
7651 |
| Similar Terms |
8314 |
Update | To modify a master file with current information according to a specified procedure. | | Similar Terms |
9046 |
Liquidated damages | A fixed sum agreed upon at the outset of a contractual arrangement, as the proper compensation to be paid to the injured party in the event of breach...... | | Similar Terms |
9079 |
Date of completion | 1 - The date of completion of the work as specified in the contract. 2 - Actual date on which the work is finished irrespective of the fact that final measurements thereof for the purpose of payment were recorded at a later date...... | | Similar Terms |
9080 |
Completion certificate | 1 - A certificate recorded on the drawing/drawings of an individual work or group of works that the work/works has/have been completed according to dimensions and details given on the drawing/drawings. 2 - A certificate given by the engineer-in-charge of the work on the basis of which the final payment is made to the contractor...... | | Similar Terms |
9138 |
Consolidated rate, or Flat rate | This is the water rate combined with the land revenue and is fixed on the settlement principle. It is charged on the irrigable area irrespective of the nature of crops grown...... | | Similar Terms |
9241 |
Completion report | A report with corrected drawings prepared as soon as a project is practically in full operation when its estimate of construction should be closed although there may be certain works provided for in the estimate, whether unfinished or not desirable to construct at once. This report contains all the required financial statements of expenditure and i..... | | Similar Terms |