International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage Commission Interationale des Irrigation et du Drainage

Multilingual Technical Dictionary (MTD)

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Term No.Term Name/Term DescriptionAction
Degrees of freedom
The degrees of freedom of a set of observations (ex- hypothesis are subject to sampling variation) is the number of independent values in the sample that could be assigned at will within the specification of the system......
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Degree of dispersion
Extent to which soil aggregates are broken down to primary particles by any given treatment.
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Degree of aggregation
Measure of the proportion in which aggregates are present.
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Degree of aeration, or Air space ratio
Ratio between the volume of air and the volume occupied by the voids.
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A term referring to the action of uniting homogeneous particles of soil into masses; the state of being aggregated.
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Degree of saturation (V)
Percentage ratio of exchangeable cations exclusive of H+ (= S ) to total exchangeable cations inclusive of H+ (= T ), i.e.  .....
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Degree of saturation
1 - Ratio between the volume of water and the volume of voids. 2 - See 1774.
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Degree of salinity
Percentage of soluble salts in the root zones.
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Straight (line, surface) sharp cut-water, Equilateral cut-water, or Sixty degree straight sharp cut-water
A sharp cut-water formed by two straight surfaces meeting at a line. Since the two straight sides of the cut-water and the width of the pier form a triangle, it is, sometimes, classified according to triangle properties (viz. equilateral cut-water) and also according to the value of the nose angle (as 60o straight sharp cut-water)......
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Day-degree, or Degree day
Variation of one degree per day in mean daily temperature, above an adopted standard reference temperature (usually 10oC). The number of degree days for a single day is the actual variation of mean temperature from the standard. The number of degree days is a month, or other interval, is the sum of daily values. When the mean temperature on a given.....
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Degree of durability of irrigation
The annual rate of variation in the depth of the groundwater level.
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Degree of drainage
A qualitative measure of the efficacy of a drainage system in an area.
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Soil aggregation
The lumping together of soil particles into a coherent mass.
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Decomposition, or Aggregation model
A model that aids in the breaking down of an apparently singular system into smaller pieces that are, perhaps, more manageable, or in the putting together of apparently separate systems into some sort of a common structure. Taxonomy and classification models would fit this description. .....
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Degree estimate
A guess estimate based on studies from index maps, and not on thumb rules, but on experience of cost of previous work of the same type built elsewhere......
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