Term No. | Term Name/Term Description | Action |
995 |
Gravity spring | 1 - The localised seepage of groundwater from an outcropping aquifer. 2 - A spring whose water flows from permeable material, or from openings in a rock formation entirely under the action of gravity...... | | Similar Terms |
1008 |
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1048 |
Spring | 1 - A surface where, without the agency of man, water issues from a rock or soil on to the land or into a body of water, the place of issuance being relatively restricted in size. Springs are classified in accordance with many criteria, including character of water, geologic formation, geographical location. 2 - Pertaining to tides which have an in..... | | Similar Terms |
1049 |
Alluvial-slope spring, Boundary spring, or Border spring | A spring that occurs on the lower slope of an alluvial cone at the point where the water table slope and the surface gradient are equal. This point is often located at the point of gradation from pervious sand with a flat water table slope to less pervious alluvial material which calls for a steep slope to carry the water supplied from above...... | | Similar Terms |
1050 |
Artesian spring | A spring whose water issues under artesian pressure, generally through some fissure or other opening in the confining bed that overlies the aquifer...... | | Similar Terms |
1051 |
Barrier spring | A spring that occurs when a raising of the confining bed forces the groundwater to rise to ground surface. | | Similar Terms |
1054 |
Channel spring | Groundwater discharge to the soil surface caused by the depression of a thalweg in an erosion or alluvial plain (See 1057)...... | | Similar Terms |
1055 |
Fault dam spring | Groundwater discharge to the earth`s surface above a reverse fault, the depressed bedrock block being covered with a thick deposit of alluvium and the raised block presenting a barrier to the flow of groundwater...... | | Similar Terms |
1056 |
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1057 |
Valley spring | Groundwater discharge to the earth`s surface caused by a sudden change of slope on the side of an erosion valley (See 1054)...... | | Similar Terms |
1058 |
Cliff spring | A spring occurring at the base of a cliff, where the water table is intersected by the face of the cliff. | | Similar Terms |
1059 |
Contact spring | A spring whose water flows to the surface from permeable material over an outcrop of less permeable or impermeable material that retards or prevents the downward percolation of the groundwater and thus deflects it to the surface...... | | Similar Terms |
1060 |
Depression spring | A spring occurring in any small depression reaching below the water table. | | Similar Terms |
1061 |
Dimple spring | Groundwater that flows to the surface from permeable material because the land surface extends down to or below the water table...... | | Similar Terms |
1062 |
Periodic spring, or Intermittent springs | 1 - A spring that has periods of relatively large continuous discharge occurring at more or less regular and frequent intervals. Such springs may be classified as perennial or intermittent. While the discharge of such a spring somewhat resembles that of a geyser in its rhythmic action, such discharge is due to an entirely different cause. 2 – Se..... | | Similar Terms |
1063 |
Knoll spring, or Mound spring | A spring occurring on the top of a small knoll or mound, produced, wholly or in part, by precipitation of mineral matter from the spring water; or by vegetation and sediments blown in by the wind - a method of growth common in arid regions...... | | Similar Terms |
1064 |
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1065 |
Terrace spring | A spring that has built up at its mouth a series of terraces or basins through deposition of material carried out of the earth in solution...... | | Similar Terms |
1066 |
Water-table spring | A spring that occurs at the intersection of the water table and the surface. | | Similar Terms |
1077 |
Groundwater dam | A natural or artificial body of material that is impermeable or has only low permeability and which occurs below the surface in such a position that it impedes the horizontal movement of groundwater and consequently causes a pronounced difference in the level of the water table on its opposite sides...... | | Similar Terms |
1136 |
Perched spring | A spring whose source of water supply is a perched water body. | | Similar Terms |
1137 |
Perennial spring | A spring that discharges continuously in all seasons of the year. | | Similar Terms |
1151 |
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1153 |
Springline | Springs marking the lower margin of an outcropping aquifer that occur in a distinct zone across the landscape. | | Similar Terms |
1154 |
Spring mound | The upwelling of an artesian spring, producing a dome shaped hummock composed of rock waste carried up by the water. | | Similar Terms |