International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage Commission Interationale des Irrigation et du Drainage

Multilingual Technical Dictionary (MTD)

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Term No.Term Name/Term DescriptionAction
Geohydrology, Hydrogeology or Groundwater hydrology
The branch of hydrology that deals with groundwater, its occurrence and movements and its replenishment and depletion; the properties of rocks that control groundwater movement and storage and the methods of investigation and utilization of groundwater......
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Groundwater runoff
That part of the runoff which has passed into the ground, becomes groundwater, and is discharged into a stream channel as spring or percolation water (illustrated)......
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Groundwater storage
Water stored beneath the ground surface in the zone of saturation.
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Groundwater province
An area characterized by a general similarity in the mode of occurrence of groundwater.
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The subsurface water that occurs in the zone of saturation.
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Capillary groundwater, or Fringe water
Water in the capillary fringe.
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Groundwater table
The upper limit of the zone of total saturation in an aquifer.
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Free groundwater, Phreatic water, or Non-artesian water
Groundwater having a water table, as opposed to groundwater confined by an impervious or semipervious formation at its upper boundary......
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Confined water, or Confined groundwater
Groundwater limited above by an impervious formation.
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Perched water, or Perched groundwater
Groundwater of a limited aquifer embedded in different depths but lower than Verkhovodka, on small impermeable or relatively impermeable lenses......
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Semiperched groundwater
Groundwater that has a greater pressure head than an underlying body of groundwater, from which it is not separated by any unsaturated rock......
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Fixed groundwater
Water held in saturated material with interstices so small that it is permanently attached to the pore walls or moves so slowly that it is usually not available as a source of water for pumping......
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Attached groundwater
That portion of groundwater adhering to the pore walls. It is assumed to be equal in amount to the residual water left after drainage and is measured by specific retention......
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Groundwater flow
1 - Flow in an aquifer. 2 - That portion of the discharge of a stream which is derived entirely from groundwater, through spring or seepage water. Groundwater flow usually forms the major part of the base flow......
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Groundwater reservoir
1 - A reservoir in which groundwater is stored. The water may enter in the reservoir natural means (seepage, infiltration, etc.) or by the action of men (injection wells, spreading etc.) 2 - Aquifer......
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Groundwater artery
A more or less tubular body of permeable or impermeable material saturated with water that is under artesian pressure.
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Groundwater divide
1 - A line on a water table on each side of which the water table slopes downward in a direction away from the line. 2 - The boundary of the cone of pumping depression......
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Fault dam spring
Groundwater discharge to the earth`s surface above a reverse fault, the depressed bedrock block being covered with a thick deposit of alluvium and the raised block presenting a barrier to the flow of groundwater......
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Water-table contour, or Groundwater contour
A line drawn on a map and passing through the points where the water table has the same elevation above a specified datum plane......
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Groundwater cascade
Descent of groundwater on a steep hydraulic gradient to a lower and flatter water-table slope. A cascade occurs below a groundwater barrier or dam which may develop effluent seepage above it, and at the contact of less permeable material with more permeable material downslope......
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Groundwater dam
A natural or artificial body of material that is impermeable or has only low permeability and which occurs below the surface in such a position that it impedes the horizontal movement of groundwater and consequently causes a pronounced difference in the level of the water table on its opposite sides......
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Groundwater ridge
A ridge-shaped feature of a water table, usually due to excessive seepage of surface water from the area overlying the ridge......
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Interstream groundwater ridge
A ridge in the water table formed between two effluent streams, produced by percolation towards the surface streams with the development of a residual groundwater ridge between them (illustrated). .....
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Groundwater mound, or Groundwater hill
A mound-shaped or ridge-shaped addition to the groundwater body built up by influent seepage.
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Groundwater trench
A trench-shaped depression of the water table caused by effluent seepage into a stream or drainage ditch or by movement of groundwater to a thalweg underlying a stream......
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