Term No. | Term Name/Term Description | Action |
296 |
| Similar Terms |
1484 |
| Similar Terms |
1485 |
Permeable spur | A spur made up of loose and permeable materials, such as loose rock or stones, timber, brushwood, crib, etc. suitable for rivers carrying heavy silt load...... | | Similar Terms |
1486 |
Impermeable spur | A spur made up of earth or rockfill, armoured with resistant material like stone, wire boulder crates or cement concrete blocks...... | | Similar Terms |
1487 |
| Similar Terms |
1488 |
Nonsubmerged spur | A spur having its top above the high flood level. Normally a free board of 1.5 m to 2.0 m is provided between the high flood level and top level of the nonsubmerged spur...... | | Similar Terms |
1489 |
Sedimenting spur | A spur that accentuates silting in its upstream or downstream. Normally sedimenting spurs are kept normal to the flow and to the marginal or flood embankments...... | | Similar Terms |
1490 |
Kinked spur | A Spur whose shank is kept normal to high bank and whose nose portion is kept normal to the river flow, where the high banks are not parallel to the river flow, thus making a kink at the junction of the shank and nose. (Illustrated)..... | | Similar Terms |
1491 |
Denehy`s `T` headed spur | A spur having its nose in `T` shape. In such type of spurs both the noses of `T` are protected against scouring. (Illustrated)..... | | Similar Terms |
1493 |
Slotted spur | An impermeable spur having slots at different elevations. Such spurs behave differently at different flood stages. | | Similar Terms |
1494 |
Balli spur, or Pile spur | A spur made of ballies or wooden piles connected by bracings and filled with alternate layers of stones or sand bags and rolls of bushwood...... | | Similar Terms |
1495 |
| Similar Terms |
1496 |
| Similar Terms |
1500 |
Fending groyne, or Bankhead | Groyne which fends the current of flow of water and prevents erosion. Denehy`s groyne is an example of this type (illustrated)...... | | Similar Terms |
1504 |
| Similar Terms |
1509 |
Jetty | 1 - An obstruction built of piles, rock, or other material extending into a stream or into the ocean from the bank or shore, placed to induce scouring or bank building, or to protect against erosion. 2 - A similar obstruction to influence river, lake, or tidal currents, or to protect a harbour. 3 - A wharf or pier. 4 - See 1484...... | | Similar Terms |
1569 |
Anchored tree protection, or Tree spur | A type of construction in which branchy trees are placed against an eroding river bank, usually with their butts upstream, held in position by wire cables to anchors (posts, `deadmen`, etc.), in the river bank or weighted down by concrete blocks and wire cables or by stone mesh sausages...... | | Similar Terms |
2239 |
| Similar Terms |
2514 |
Transverse joint, or Transverse contraction joint | A joint perpendicular to the axis of the dam and extending entirely through the structure dividing it (structure) into separate blocks, to prevent haphazard transverse cracking due to contraction...... | | Similar Terms |
2518 |
| Similar Terms |
2606 |
Transverse isotropy | The orientation of the particles of sediment in a direction more or less parallel to the horizontal planes. | | Similar Terms |
3592 |
Leading jetty, or Guard wall | A structure, e.g. a pier or mole, provided at the outer and inner ends of a lock for smoother and gentle lead into or out of the lock, to protect entry and exit of vessels, or to provide tying up berths or mooring space against adverse currents and tides (illustrated)...... | | Similar Terms |
3628 |
| Similar Terms |
3662 |
| Similar Terms |
3884 |
Pool and jet fishway, or Pool and transverse fish pass | A fish ladder that consists of a series of pools in a stepped arrangement from tailwater to headwater. The flow from pool to pool may be over solid obstacles, or through notches or orifices in the obstacles, or a combination of these two...... | | Similar Terms |