International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage Commission Interationale des Irrigation et du Drainage

Multilingual Technical Dictionary (MTD)

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Term No.Term Name/Term DescriptionAction
Ice cover
Ice on the water surface of a lake or stream.
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Ice fringe
Ice deposit of moisture, not hoarfrost, exuded from stems of plants.
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Sheet ice
Ice formed in a smooth thin layer on the surface of the water in lakes and streams by the coagulation of frazil ice during rapid freezing.  Sheet ice attached to the stream margins is known as border ice, while moving sheet ice is known as skim ice or pan ice......
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Cat ice, or Shell ice
An unbroken ice sheet on a body of water under which the water level has receded, so that a cavity is formed between the water surface and the ice......
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Slush ice
A floating agglomeration of flocs of frazil ice.
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Ice storm
Storm characterized by occurrence of a glaze.
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Glaze, Clear ice, Black ice or Freezing rain
A generally homogeneous and transparent ice layer deposited by drizzle or rain that is supercooled on surfaces having temperature below  0oC ; it may also be produced by non-supercooled drizzle or rain falling on the surface having temperature below 0oC and starting to freeze at once.  Rime ice is softer and less transparent than glaze......
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Subsurface ice, or Interstitial ice
Ice that occurs below the surface of the lithosphere. It may be formed by the freezing of saturated or unsaturated rock or soil, or by the covering of a bed of surface ice or snow by a mantle of rock debris......
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Anchor ice
Ice formed below the surface of a stream  on underwater objects. It is caused by adherence of frazil ice crystals or, in the case of very turbulent streams, by supercooled surface waters being transported to a considerable depth......
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Frazil ice
Fine spicules of ice in suspension in water caused by supercooling and nucleation at the air-water interface.
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Ice gorge, or Ice jam
A temporary dam that restricts flow. Caused by a stationary accumulation of fragmented ice or frazil.
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A significant separable meteorological disturbance accompanied by such phenomena as rain, snow, hail, thunder and lightning, and wind, although wind storms may be described in accordance with the material, such as dust and sand, which is carried in suspension in the air. .....
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Storm lane
A narrow belt over which storm centres pass with a certain degree of regularity.
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Storm distribution pattern, or Storm smear
The manner in which depth of rainfall varies from station to station throughout the area for a given storm.
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Tropical cyclone, Tropical revolving storm, Hurricane, Taino, Cordonazo, Typhoon, Baguio, Baruio, Willy-willy
A revolving storm originating over the ocean in the doldrum belt of general circulation. Known by various names in different parts of the world - hurricane in the Caribbean and western parts of the Atlantic Ocean, also taino in Haiti, cordonazo in the west coast of Mexico, typhoon in Japan and adjacent seas of south-eastern Asia, baguio or baruio i.....
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Storm runoff or Storm-water runoff
That portion of the total runoff from storm rainfall that reaches the point of measurement within a relatively short period of time subsequent to the occurrence of rain. It essentially excludes the base flow......
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Storm seepage
That portion of the rainfall during a storm which infiltrates into the surface soil, and moves away from the area on which it falls through the upper horizons at a rate much in excess of the normal groundwater seepage......
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Design storm
The design storm is that estimate of a rainfall, amount and distribution over a particular drainage area which is accepted for determining the design flood......
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Interstice, or Void (in a rock, or soil)
A space in a rock or soil, that is not occupied by solid matter.
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Bank sluice
An opening controlled by shutters or gates in the marginal embankment which are opened during high floods.
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Crevasse, or Crevice
A breach in a levee or river embankment.
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Capillary interstice
An interstice small enough to produce appreciable capillary rise.
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Subcapillary interstice
An interstice smaller than a capillary interstice in which molecular attraction spans the entire space and water is held immovable against the force of gravity by adhesion......
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Tidal outlet, or Tidal sluice
A structure to control the outflow of water.
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Undersluices, Sliding sluices, or Scouring sluices
1 - Gated openings provided in a weir, dam or a barrage having its sill at a level lower than the remaining portion to discharge water as and when required. Undersluices are also known as sliding sluices in main dams where water is discharged at a level much below the reservoir. These can be used to eject detritus material during periods of high fl.....
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