International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage Commission Interationale des Irrigation et du Drainage

Multilingual Technical Dictionary (MTD)

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Term No.Term Name/Term DescriptionAction
Bank storage
Water absorbed and stored in the bed and banks of a stream, lake, or reservoir as the surface level of the water body rises and returned in whole or in part as the surface level falls......
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Bankfull, or Bankfull stage
The stage attained by a stream when flowing at a capacity above which the natural banks overflow.
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Concave (river) bank
The bank on the outside of a river bend. The radius of a concave bank is generally greater than that of the convex bank.
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Convex (river) bank
The bank on the inside of a river bend (vs. concave bank).
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Bankful discharge
Discharge corresponding to the state at which the river berms are about to be submerged.
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Groyne, Groin, Bankhead, Spur, Spur dike, Transverse dike, Jetty
1 - A structure built from the bank of a river in a direction transverse to the current. The groynes may be permeable, semi-permeable or impermeable. 2 - See 3479 and 8028......
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Fending groyne, or Bankhead
Groyne which fends the current of flow of water and prevents erosion. Denehy`s groyne is an example of this type (illustrated)......
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Stem bank, or Shank
Embankment connecting a groyne head to the river bank or marginal bund (illustrated).
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Retired embankment
An embankment built at a distance from the river edge behind an existing embankment as a second line of defence. (illustrated)......
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Bank sluice
An opening controlled by shutters or gates in the marginal embankment which are opened during high floods.
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Guide bank, or Bell`s bund
A protective or training embankment constructed at the side of a weir, bridge, etc., to guide the river into the waterway in the structure; named after Mr. J.R. Bell who designed such bunds (illustrated)......
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Bank protection
1 - A kind of engineering work which aims at protecting the banks of a river, or slopes of embankments along it, from erosion by the current of flow. 2 - See 7986......
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Bank revetment
A type of bank protection continuously covering the entire slope of a bank or an embankment, including the portions extending far into the river bed, to protect the bank from erosion. Bank revetment somewhat resembles canal lining, the difference being that the latter aims at stopping or lessening the seepage of water from a canal into the ground, .....
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Bank paving
The part of revetment extending from the mattress to the top of the banks. See 1544.
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Upper bank
The portion of the river bank that is located above the low water level and below the foreshore level. See 1538.
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Lower bank
The portion of a bank below low water level often extending quite a distance horizontally to the river bed. See 1537.
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Direct bank protection
Kind of works on the bank itself, such as slope protection of embankment and upper bank and toe protection of lower bank against erosion, and grading of sloping surface or provision of drainage layers, to ensure stability against seepage and saturation......
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Slope protection
Riprap, paving, pitching, revetment, brush or other material laid or placed for protection on the sloping part of an embankment or levee or sea shore, to prevent erosion, slipping or caving, or to withstand external hydraulic pressure......
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Toe protection
Loose stones laid or dumped at the toe of an embankment, groyne, etc., or masonry or concrete wall built at the junction of the slope of pitching and the bed in channels or at extremities of hydraulic structures to counteract erosion......
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Indirect bank protection
Kind of works that are not constructed directly on the banks but in front of them with a view to reduce the erosive force of the current either by deflecting the current away from the banks or by inducing deposition in front of them......
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Hen-cooping, or A-frame protection
A cribwork used in Australia for bank protection, made of three lots of logs with their ends meeting so as to form a triangular tunnel which is filled with stones......
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Anchored tree protection, or Tree spur
A type of construction in which branchy trees are placed against an eroding river bank, usually with their butts upstream, held in position by wire cables to anchors (posts, `deadmen`, etc.), in the river bank or weighted down by concrete blocks and wire cables or by stone mesh sausages......
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The rising ground bordering a lake, river or sea; of a river or channel, designated as right or left as it would appear facing downstream......
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Peat bank
A place from which peat is cut.
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Wing levee, Afflux bund, or Afflux bank
An embankment or dike designed to prevent the outflanking of the abutment by flood waters passing round the end of the weir, extending up to, but not across, the whole of the river flood plain......
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