Term No. | Term Name/Term Description | Action |
115 |
Analysis of variance | A separation into components associated with defined sources of variation, of the total variation displayed by a set of observations, as measured by the sums of squares of deviations from the mean...... | | Similar Terms |
221 |
Consumer`s risk point | A point on the operating characteristic curve corresponding to the predetermined and usually low probability of acceptance. This probability is then called the `consumer`s risk` and the corresponding lot quality is called the `limiting quality`. In practical applications the consumer`s risk is usually specified at 10% or 5%, or less...... | | Similar Terms |
232 |
Correlation analysis | The statistical methods to test the closeness with which two (or more) phenomena co-vary. | | Similar Terms |
964 |
Risk analysis | Qualification of the various sources of uncertainty in risk prediction and comparison of relative risk. | | Similar Terms |
1650 |
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1651 |
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2566 |
Gravity method (two-dimensional method of analysis) | A method for stress analysis of gravity dams assuming the structure of the dam to be composed of vertical cantilever elements that act independently of each other while the vertical stress varies linearly...... | | Similar Terms |
2577 |
Cracked cantilever analysis | In thin arch dams the applied radial loads tend to produce tension in the cantilevers. Since ordinary concrete is usually not assumed to have a tensile strength more than a specified value (say, 20 kg/cm2) and when this specified value of stress is exceeded all the cantilevers in tension may be assumed to be cracked to the point of zero stress so t..... | | Similar Terms |
4117 |
Flood risk | A measure of the seriousness of the flood hazard : 1 - The chance of experiencing a flood. Risk is usually expressed in terms of the return period of peak discharges, but velocities, sediment loads and depths are sometimes also used in identifying risk zones. An assessment of risk may also be based on the life and property exposed. 2 - The probabil..... | | Similar Terms |
4121 |
Vulnerability analysis | A method for determining the degree to which land uses/activities are prone to flooding disruption. | | Similar Terms |
4134 |
Risk averse | A description of individuals who prefer certainty to a risk with the same expected value. | | Similar Terms |
4135 |
Risk neutral | A description of individuals who try to maximise the expected value of possible outcomes. | | Similar Terms |
4136 |
Risk seeking | A description of individuals who prefer to accept the possibility of a less likely event, but with possible higher reward, rather than certainty with the probable same expected value...... | | Similar Terms |
7493 |
Environmental analysis | The means to determine whether an action under consideration will have a significant effect on the environment. Evaluation of the short- and long‑term, primary and secondary environmental effects of an action...... | | Similar Terms |
7505 |
Environmental impact analysis | A more‑or‑less formal consideration of the interaction of a proposed human activity with environmental elements that might be affected by the activity. Includes a determination of the probable effect of the activity on social and economic conditions. Assessment of impact generally involves two major elements ‑ a quantitative measure of magni..... | | Similar Terms |
7527 |
Risk factor | A characteristic or variable associated with increased probability of a toxic effect. | | Similar Terms |
7528 |
Risk assessment | A qualitative or quantitative evaluation of the environmental and/or health risk resulting from exposure to a chemical or physical pollutant; combines exposure and toxicity assessment results to estimate risk...... | | Similar Terms |
7836 |
Acceptable risk | The level of loss a society or community considers acceptable given existing social, economic, political, cultural, technical and environmental conditions. ..... | | Similar Terms |
7852 |
Disaster risk management | The systematic process of using administrative decisions, organization, operational skills and capacities to implement policies, strategies and coping capacities of the society and communities to lessen the impacts of natural hazards and related environmental and technological disasters. ..... | | Similar Terms |
7856 |
Flood risk | The likelihood of a flood event of a certain severity together with the estimated damage to human health, the environment and economic activity associated with a flood event of that severity...... | | Similar Terms |
7860 |
Hazard analysis | Identification, studies and monitoring of any hazard to determine its potential, origin, characteristics and behaviour. | | Similar Terms |
7872 |
Public awareness, risk communication | The processes of informing the general population, to increase levels of consciousness about risks and how people can act to reduce their exposure to hazards. ..... | | Similar Terms |
7875 |
Residual risk, remaining risk | Risk that remains even after all appropriate protective measures are taken. This consists of three parts, namely the accepted risk, the unknown risk, which is beyond cognitive capacity, and the risk due to inappropriate measures or wrong decisions e.g. during disaster response. The accepted risk corresponds to the level of loss a society or commu..... | | Similar Terms |
7880 |
Risk | 1 - The probability of harmful consequences, or expected losses (deaths, injuries, property, livelihoods, economic activity disrupted or environment damaged) resulting from interactions between natural or human-induced hazards and vulnerable conditions. 2 - A combination of the probability and frequency of occurrence of harm being realised from a ..... | | Similar Terms |
7881 |
Risk assessment/analysis | A methodology to determine the nature and extent of risk by analysing potential hazards and evaluating existing conditions of vulnerability that could pose a potential threat or harm to people, property, livelihoods and the environment on which they depend. ..... | | Similar Terms |