International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage Commission Interationale des Irrigation et du Drainage

Multilingual Technical Dictionary (MTD)

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Term No.Term Name/Term DescriptionAction
Solar day
The interval between two successive transits of the sun`s centre over the same meridian.
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Lunar day
The interval between two successive transits of the moon`s centre over the same meridian.
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Tide day
The interval between the arrival of any two consecutive high waters of the direct tide (or of the opposite tide) at any given place, its average length being 24 hours 51 minutes......
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Base, Base period, or Base days
The number of days over which duty is reckoned, determined or measured. Generally base period equals the period between first and last irrigation to raise a crop......
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Day-degree, or Degree day
Variation of one degree per day in mean daily temperature, above an adopted standard reference temperature (usually 10oC). The number of degree days for a single day is the actual variation of mean temperature from the standard. The number of degree days is a month, or other interval, is the sum of daily values. When the mean temperature on a given.....
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Number of hours between sunrise and sunset.
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Net solar radiation
Difference between shortwave radiation received on the earth surface and that reflected by the soil, crop and water surface......
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Solar radiation
Amount of shortwave radiation received at the earth surface.
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Force account system, Day-labour system, Day-work system, or Hired labour system
Management and supervision of the construction work directly by the entrepreneurial agency.
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