International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage Commission Interationale des Irrigation et du Drainage

Multilingual Technical Dictionary (MTD)

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Term No.Term Name/Term DescriptionAction
Hydrological drought:
Occurs when surface and subsurface water supplies are below normal.
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Barrier spring
A spring that occurs when a raising of the confining bed forces the groundwater to rise to ground surface.
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Sudd, or Sadd (Arabic : barrier or dam)
Large floating island of vegetative matter impending navigation on the Upper White Nile. Also an earthen embankment blocking a river or branch of a river or ring bund around a work under construction in the bed of a river......
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Barrier beach
A bar essentially parallel to the shore, the crest of which is above normal high water level. Also called offshore barrier and barrier island......
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Volume (dam)
Space occupied by all materials in the dam. The volume of a dam includes the main fill, the riprap and the impervious blanket......
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Unit column method (for buttress dam)
It is a method of designing a buttress dam evolved by Herman Shorer. It is assumed that the buttress comprises a series of hypothetical curved struts that transmit the water load to the foundations by uniform axial compression without interaction between struts. The axes of the curved struts are analogous to trajectories of first principle stress i.....
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Saddle siphon, or Hood siphon
A siphon having its duct formed of a U-shaped hood. The inlet lip of the hood is submerged below the full reservoir level and that of the outlet lip terminates in a water seal formed by various devices. The siphons are sometimes named according to the water seal provided (illustrated)......
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Conveyance efficiency:
The ratio of total outflow from the system supply, to total inflow into the supply system.  
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Barrier (vertical)
An obstruction to the horizontal movement of groundwater.
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Barrier (horizontal)
A natural obstruction to the vertical movement of groundwater. Usually a layer of impermeable rock or clay
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Living, flightless birds.
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1 - Like `effluent` but used in regard to air pollution. A discharge of pollutants into the atmosphere, often as a result of burning or the operation of internal combustion engines.  2 - Any gaseous pollutant. A discharge or release to the ambient air space of any air contaminant......
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A condition in which a layer of cool air is trapped by a layer of warm air above it, precluding the release of the bottom air and resulting in atmospheric stability. This condition prevents dispersion of pollutants and can cause an air pollution event.  .....
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Stormwater overflow:
An arrangement whereby excess flow of sewage and surface water in a combined sewer system is by‑passed around treatment facilities to a watercourse......
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Gravity separation:
The separation of mixed material immersed in a liquid,  caused by differences in density.
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Climate Impact Assessment:
The practice of identifying and evaluating the detrimental and beneficial consequences of  climate change on natural and human systems......
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Storm surge barrier
Gated dam (also called barrage) in the mouth of an estuary or in the lower course of a river that is normally open, allowing tidal movement to take place and ships to pass and that is closed for short periods only in case a storm surge causing high water levels in the area is imminent......
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