Term No. | Term Name/Term Description | Action |
1311 |
Neap tides | Exceptionally low tides that occur twice each month when the earth, sun and moon are at right angles to each other. | | Similar Terms |
2005 |
Tideway | A channel in which the tide runs; also, a rush of tidal water through a channel or stream. | | Similar Terms |
2006 |
Tide land | Land which is inundated during flood tide. | | Similar Terms |
2007 |
Tide head | The head of the stretch of land up to which the influence of the tide is felt or the utmost limit of the land coming within the zone of influence of the tide...... | | Similar Terms |
2008 |
Tide | The periodic rising and falling of the water that results from the gravitational attraction of the moon and sun acting upon the rotating earth. The term tide should not be used to designate the horizontal movement of water which is the tidal current...... | | Similar Terms |
2010 |
Solar day | The interval between two successive transits of the sun`s centre over the same meridian. | | Similar Terms |
2011 |
Lunar day | The interval between two successive transits of the moon`s centre over the same meridian. | | Similar Terms |
2012 |
Tide day | The interval between the arrival of any two consecutive high waters of the direct tide (or of the opposite tide) at any given place, its average length being 24 hours 51 minutes...... | | Similar Terms |
2013 |
Diurnal tides | Tides requiring a full day to complete their cycle, i.e. only one high and one low water in each lunar day. | | Similar Terms |
2014 |
Semi-diurnal tides | Tides requiring approximately one-half lunar day to complete their cycle, that is, two high water and two low waters in each lunar day; predominating type of tide throughout the world is semi-diurnal...... | | Similar Terms |
2015 |
Mixed tides | Those which are preponderantly semi-diurnal at some times and diurnal at others, according to the declination of the moon...... | | Similar Terms |
2016 |
Spring tide | Maximum tide following the second and fourth quarters of the moon, that is, the new and full moon (occurring every two weeks). At these times (called sizigy) the forces of the sun and the moon are combined...... | | Similar Terms |
2017 |
Neap tide | A tide occurring near the time of the quadrature of the moon with the sun. The neap tidal range is usually 10 to 30 per cent less than the mean tidal range...... | | Similar Terms |
2020 |
Apogean tides | The decreased range tides occurring at a time when the moon is in apogee. | | Similar Terms |
2021 |
Perigean tide | Tides with increased range which occur when the moon is in the perigee. | | Similar Terms |
2022 |
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2023 |
Ebb tide | Tides during a period between high water and following low water. | | Similar Terms |
2024 |
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2025 |
Equatorial tide | The tide occurring when the moon is on, or closest to the plane of the earth`s equator. | | Similar Terms |
2026 |
Tropic tide | The tide occurring semi-monthly when the effect of the moon`s maximum declination is greatest. | | Similar Terms |
2027 |
Duration of tide, Duration of ebb tide Duration of flood tide | Duration of flood tide or a rising tide is the interval of time from low water to following high water; and duration of the ebb tide or falling tide is the interval of time from high water to following low water. Together, they cover a period of 12.42 hours for a semi-diurnal tide; the duration of the flood and ebb tides is approximately 6.21 hours..... | | Similar Terms |
2032 |
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2035 |
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2036 |
Mean tide level, or Half-tide level | The plane, or surface, that is exactly half way between high water and mean low water. Because of the lack of symmetry of the tidal curve, this is not exactly the same as the mean sea level...... | | Similar Terms |
2038 |
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